Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Green European Journal - The European Venue for Green Ideas

On the Love and Rage of Extinction Rebellion  

Extinction Rebellion (XR) erupted in 2018 in the UK. It denounces the political inertia and obfuscation of “truth” that permeate climate change debates. Since then, XR has spread like wildfire and now gathers thousands of activists worldwide. Louise Knops explores how the movement channels affect at a pivotal moment in which climate has become a concern for everyone, not just activists and academia. Looking forward, she asks how we can move from insurrection to renewal.

XR has been the subject of both praise and criticism. It has been acclaimed for the radicalism of its practices and has made civil disobedience attractive to sections of the population that had never taken part in collective action. Together with other movements such as Fridays for Future, it has helped turn climate change into an unescapable issue. At the same time, XR has been criticised for not being “political” enough in its discourse, by appealing predominantly to “the white and wealthy”, and not engaging with the inequalities tied to climate change. Its proposals have (so far) often remained “awfully vague”.
There is some truth to all of that.
However, the first year of Extinction Rebellion succeeded in pushing the discussion “beyond politics”. From the traditional realm of parties, politicians, elections, and governments, it has entered a more visceral domain of politics concerned with the perpetuation of humans as a species. Humans have always raised existential questions about human life, existence, and its place among other creatures. The great acceleration of Western modernity covered up some of these questions under layers of “progress”, “growth”, and tales of human superiority. XR’s rage marks their return in an unmistakable way: it is the rebellion of modernity against its deadly trajectory.
Critics will argue that this existential turn comes at a price. Discussing human survival in absolute terms distracts from the debate about exactly how to organise this survival, in co-existence with the other humans and nonhumans around us. It does not address the very politics of extinction: priorities, plans, and a distribution of responsibility. Nevertheless, XR has the merit of doing at least that: inviting people to connect with the idea of human life, human extinction, to better understand it, and ultimately move beyond it. XR transformed the climate discussion into a matter of life and death by focusing on one particular part of human existence: affect.

Affect as driver of human existence

Affect is often reduced to a psychological phenomenon or a feeling experienced in response to a stimulus. But affect goes beyond emotion. It is, in fact, the very driver of our existence. Affect provides impetus for change and pushes people to take action.[1] Emotions and affects have tremendous mobilising potential. Indignation, to name just one example, is the affect that gets us fired up. It acts as the “raw material for revolt” in all kinds of political and social revolutions.[2]
Political ecology has always been pervaded with affect. Ecologists and environmentalists have long expressed both their love for “nature” and their rage in the face of environmental destruction. In 1962, in Silent Spring, Rachel Carson wrote about her deep love for the beauty of nature.[3] In the 1970s, Arne Naess developed the distinction between shallow and “deep” ecology, a movement that has been summed up as a non-anthropocentric philosophy of care and compassion.[4] In 1990, Christopher Manes wrote a book called Green Rage: Radical Environmentalism and the Unmaking of Civilization.[5] More recently, the concept of “solastalgia” has been developed to describe our emotional state of distress in the face of environmental destruction. The examples are plentiful. 
What has changed is the resonance of this affective repertoire, on climate change specifically, within the rest of society.
XR is no exception to this tradition and in its discourse affect is everywhere. All official XR communication, from social media posts to newsletters, signs off “With love and rage”. The sharing of fear but also of hope and joy dominate the speeches and demonstrations of rebellion. As recently pointed out by XR co-founder Roger Hallam (speaking in a personal capacity) at the World Web Forum in January 2020: “it is no longer time for charts, it is time for emotions; it is time for courage.” But affect is also embodied in the practices and actions of the movement: the staging of funerals and die-ins taps into feelings of grief, its horizontal and grassroots structure creates communities of compassion, its protest actions are filled with euphoria and exhilaration. And through the blocking, the marching, the sitting, the hunger striking, XR is also bringing an existential materiality back into the picture: the body. It is literally putting bodies on the line to express a collective cry of resistance against extinction. Hence, XR does not just raise existential questions through “apocalyptic” rhetoric or, by some critical accounts, an exaggerated sense of urgency. It does so by appealing to people’s affective side, by speaking and performing “love and rage”.
But what has changed with Extinction Rebellion is not the role played by affect per se. After all, civil disobedience and many of XR’s rhetoric and tactics can be traced back to earlier social movements. What has changed is the resonance of this affective repertoire, on climate change specifically, within the rest of society. People are increasingly susceptible to being affected by climate change. Indeed, the success of XR, and other contemporary movements, shows that our ability to be “affected”, moved into action, by climate change has reached a broader scale.

An affective bifurcation?

For decades, climate change was confined to the worlds of academia and activism. Today, inaction in the face of climate change has become an explicit matter of indignation for millions worldwide, as the latest international protests have shown. 6 million people took to the streets in September 2019. The absence of policies to mitigate and adapt to climate change may have been tolerated yesterday, but, for increasing parts of the population, it is no longer.
But what exactly happened that might explain this recent “affective” bifurcation? From relative indifference to resistance and rebellion?
Has it been the simultaneous occurrence of different climate-change related disasters across the world, from heatwaves and floods to droughts and fires? The environmental awakening of a new generation? The explicitness of climate denial at the highest level, as seen in the election of Donald Trump and his withdrawal from the Paris agreement, and a subsequent reaction? The power of “affecting” images on climate change shared on an unprecedented scale? A deeper sense of disconnection with our current modes of existence and organisation?
In many people’s minds, the belief that “the end of the month” and “the end of the world” work against each other is still legitimate.
This is an important question. It is important because this affective bifurcation, the “love” and “rage” advocated by XR, still needs to emerge on a broader scale, both geographically and from a temporality point of view. The rebellion needs to include communities from the global South, all parts of the working class and the working poor, the most precarious populations, the most affected by climate change, and even the sceptical, conservative voter. It also, crucially, needs to prove its longevity; the uprising of rebels worldwide needs to yield long-term and transformative changes in our modes of existence and co-existence. The rebellion needs to be turned into a concrete plan, with options for solutions and difficult decisions.
The move from insurrection to profound renewal will not be easy. After over a year of intense mobilisations, one is forced to recognise that fundamental cleavages have not been bridged yet and that resistance is operating in opposite directions. In many people’s minds, the belief that the struggle for social and economic justice does not go well with ecological consciousness, and that “the end of the month” and “the end of the world” work against each other, is still legitimate. To find a contemporary example of this reality, one just need look to the streets: the gilets jaunes do not protest on the same days as the climate activists, with the same people, under the same banners.[6] There is no overwhelming feeling that “we are all in this together”. This observation need not be a reason for despair, however. Quite the contrary. The fact that these cycles of protest – the gilets jaunes and the climate movements – are taking place at the same time should provide reason to believe that a new story can be written. By those taking the streets, but also by all the others who are observing, supporting, and analysing what is going on, and those inside political institutions.

Coming down to earth

Ultimately, love and rage need an outcome. They need to be channeled into a story, or multiple stories, that make sense; perhaps all the way “down to earth”. This is the proposal recently suggested by French philosopher Bruno Latour in an essay that unpacks “politics in the new climatic regime”.
What does this mean?
Nobody knows exactly. But many have great ideas. Stories of “worlding” (Donna Haraway) that would replace the ideals of “globalising”. Stories where we look at the earth differently, from inside, rather from “the big outside”, and where we embrace it as a complex system in which we are just one part among a multitude of others. [7] Translating these ideas into the way we re-design our modes of existence requires opening our minds and letting go of some of our convictions. As Dipesh Chakrabarty argues, it calls for thinking on “very large and small scales at once, including scales that defy the usual measures of time that inform human affairs”, as climate change has created contradictory stories between “our divided human lives and societies, and the story of our collective life as a species”. It will require throwing away things that have been taken for granted for centuries. That the world, for example, operates in neat categories: that humans and nature are separate, that the “objective” is more valuable than the “subjective”, or that rationality is always preferable to affectivity, to name just a few. It will probably require letting go of our vision of “the individual”.
This attempt to think “inside the globe” whilst simultaneously responding to the climate emergency will require huge amounts of creativity.
XR, whether consciously or not, invites us in that direction. On an explicit level, it does so by continuously speaking the language of existence and extinction, reminding us of the competing temporalities at play in the new climatic regime and our vulnerability as a species. It reminds us that, in the Anthropocene, the distinction between humans and nature has become scientifically irrelevant, as traces of human activity can be found everywhere: from the composition of the atmosphere, to the cells of our own bodies. And it does so, not just by displaying charts and quoting figures, but also by tapping into the affective connections that tie us to the terrestrial beings around us. Lastly, by celebrating both the power of sciences and the power of love, it suggests that these two repertoires might not compete, but rather complement each other. From this perspective, XR is not just another, albeit radical, contentious actor. It also opens a space to question deep-rooted beliefs that have structured centuries of Western thought and imagination.
Admittedly, discussing these theoretical questions seems somewhat out of touch with the urgency and immediacy of solutions that are required here and now. We still need to do something, act with what is at hand today, however imperfect it might be. It is this challenge – this attempt to think “inside the globe” rather than “outside the box” – whilst simultaneously responding to the climate emergency, that will require huge amounts of creativity. This seems all the more urgent as love and rage already dominate geopolitics today, but in fundamentally different directions: there is love towards one’s people but hate towards others; there is longing for a derelict past (as seen in Brexit) and rage against “the establishment”.
Love and rage have always set us in motion, for better and for worse. XR invites us to channel them in one direction, despite its vagueness and imperfections. The next step is to populate this journey with concrete stories and actions, to go beyond our fear of extinction.
[1] Frédéric Lordon (2016). Les affects de la politique. Paris: Le Seuil.
[2] Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri (2009). Commonwealth. Cambridge, Massachusetts: the Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
[3] Rachel Carson (1962). Silent Spring. New-York: Houghton Mifflin.
[4] Eccy de Jong (2016). Spinoza and Deep Ecology: Challenging traditional approaches to Environmentalism. Abingdon: Routledge.
[5] Christopher Manes (1990). Green Rage: Radical Environmentalism and the Unmaking of Civilisation, Little, Brown & Company.
[6] They have done on some occasions but these have remained rather marginal compared to the scale of the mobilisation of the respective movements.
[7] Such as proposed in the Gaia hypothesis of James Lovelock.

Green European Journal - The European Venue for Green Ideas

Fossil Fascism and the Lessons for the Greens
In this interview, professor of human ecology Andreas Malm takes his reflections on fossil capitalism a step further to make a direct connection between the Green surge recently witnessed in some European countries and the electoral victories of far-right populist forces. For him, Greens must use this opportunity to push their fight for climate justice side-by-side with movements on the street.

In his renowned book Fossil Capital (Verso, 2016), Andreas Malm provided an analysis of climate change that connects the reality of fossil-fuelled economies to the structure and ideology of capitalism. According to his argument, steam power was attractive in 19th-century England because it offered better control over labour than previously more widespread water mills did. Malm shows how the triumph of coal-fired engines ever since has hampered the spread of renewable energy. Contesting the concept of the “Anthropocene”, rather than 
humankind as a whole, he highlights the destructive force of capitalist commodity production, driven by the interests of a minority of financiers and industrialists. His work has been praised by voices such as Naomi Klein and has inspired climate justice movements such as Germany’s Ende Gelände.

Green European Journal: What are the most important lessons of Fossil Capital?
Andreas Malm: I have to acknowledge that there is a gap between the historical analysis outlined in my book and the strategic orientation of both the climate movement and policymakers. Fossil Capital studies the historical moment when British capitalists shifted away from waterpower towards steam power, and since I was interested in the historical process, the book itself is almost entirely focused on the demand side: it looks at the manufacturers who demanded coal rather than those who supplied it to them. Today’s climate movement has, for very good reason, focused on the supply side: it targets capital that profits from the production of fossil fuels, and it has also begun to target fossil capital in a broader sense – for instance in recent mobilisations against the auto industry.

I am trying to compensate somewhat for the lack of supply focus in my more recent work (such as that with the Zetkin Collective, a group of scholars, activists and students at Lund University working on the political ecology of the far right), by trying to understand “primitive fossil capital” – by which I mean the fossil fuel industry: suppliers of coal, oil and gas. The links between these industries and far-right forces are very close, as can be seen in Poland, Norway, Brazil, the US, and in many other countries too.

What is the role of fossil fuels in far-right thinking?
As a historian and a history nerd, I am obsessed with the ways classical Fascists thought about fossil fuels and their technology. Just think of the most well-known cases: the Italian futurist poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti was one of the key ideologists of Italian Fascism and a major source of inspiration for Benito Mussolini. His work was about the admiration for the car, the aeroplane, and the combustion engine. He was obsessed with speed and the burning of materials. You can find similarities in the thinking of German proto-Fascists as well, for example in the work of Ernst Jünger.

In Italy, Germany, and many other countries, far-right forces position themselves as the shock troops of fossil capital.

Both the Italian Fascist and the German Nazi governments were extremely supportive of those technologies and presided over major technical breakthroughs. For instance, the first highways exclusively devoted to car traffic were built in Italy in the very first years of the Mussolini regime. The highway or the expressway – a road only for cars – is basically a fascist concept. One of the first things the Nazis did when they came to power was to scrap all speed limits on the highway. But neither of these two fossil-fuel-obsessed countries – neither Italy nor Germany – had any oil reserves, which had a great influence on their geopolitical thinking.

How well known is this aspect of Fascism?
Both of these regimes have been exhaustively researched, but it is only now, in times of the climate crisis, that the fossil dimension of these regimes becomes visible. When people think of the relationship between Nazism and ecology, immediately they think about blood and soil, romanticism and the “völkisch” agenda, because this aspect has been in the spotlight. From an ecological point of view, however, it has been far more important to see the Fascist drive to develop fossil-fuel technologies and infrastructure as fast as possible.

This knowledge becomes particularly interesting when you see what the far right is doing right now. In Italy, Germany, and many other countries, far-right forces position themselves as the shock troops of fossil capital and are the ones fighting most aggressively to continue business as usual.

Many Conservatives and far-right populists claim that caring for the environment is a conservative value that they are well suited to uphold. Is this claim compatible with their stance on fossil fuels?

The far right has always been proficient in inconsistency. Hitler and other Nazis could say one day that they are all in favour of the German worker and the next that they are going to smash all trade unions and reinstate discipline in workplaces. Contradictory messages have always been part of the appeal of the far right and allow them to unite disparate groups in a nationalist project. Nationalism is by definition a political project that seeks to transcend things like class divisions. To bring people from different classes together, you have to say contradictory things, which makes it hard to keep all your promises.

Does that still hold today?
Yes, but when it comes to the environment, the far right today in Europe and beyond mainly supports maximum resource extraction and fossil fuel production and consumption. That is the general line. Under Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency in Brazil or the Donald Trump administration in the US, it is the only line.

Of course, there is also the green nationalist minority current with some parties, activists, and a group of skilled environmentalists that recognises the ecological crisis and its magnitude. They claim that they see the climate breaking down and that the solution is a mix of a national, conservative love for nature, the closing of borders, and a move towards national autarky. This position has become hegemonic on the French far right, for example.

Although there are some well-founded reasons for optimism, the tenacity of denial should not be underestimated. Many people wish to believe that this crisis does not exist.

But so far, this kind of green nationalism has never translated into any actual policies that would address the climate crisis at its roots. Let us take Germany: a party that takes climate change seriously would have to propose the immediate closure of mines and the almost complete dismantling of the car industry. I do not see any nationalists that are even hypothetically capable of coming up with such a political position, because it would force them to clash with various significant capitalist interests. It would also be very hard for them to sell this point of view to their constituencies, which tend to be people that are fond of their cars and support coal miners. [read more on the AfD and the carbon divide] This makes it very difficult for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) to move away from climate denialism – even if it faces some internal criticism for it.

Moreover, even if the AfD were to move away from climate denialism and switch to green nationalism at some point – which is to some extent consistent with the faction represented by Björn Höcke – that would not have the potential to drive meaningful measures for mitigating climate change. This kind of green nationalism often blames immigrants for the climate crisis – something the French far-right party Rassemblement National (National Rally) is known for – could potentially have appeal to some voters, but the arguments behind it are just as poor as those for climate denial, and can be easily disproven. [read more on climate nationalism] All in all, it’s clear that the far right does not have a credible answer to the climate crisis whether it recognises it or not.

The rise of populism coincides with a Green surge in Europe. Are these two phenomena connected?

In Europe today, people are choosing between two main narratives: one group says that our way of life is endangered by Muslim immigrants and refugees, while the other one says that our lives are in danger of becoming miserable – or potentially coming to an end – because of global warming. This is the political choice that divides the landscape in Europe, and with mass mobilisations like Fridays for Future some countries have seen a serious weakening of the far right. In the Swiss federal elections in October 2019, the Greens surged (the Swiss Greens and the Green Liberals got 21 per cent all together), while the far right (although it is still the strongest force) lost a significant share of its voters. That trend is driven by the fact that people are concerned about the climate crisis, and the far right has no credible answer to it.

But, although there are some well-founded reasons for optimism, the tenacity of denial should not be underestimated. Many people wish to believe that this crisis does not exist. 10 or 15 years ago, no one expected that there would be a surge in electoral support for parties that explicitly deny climate change in Europe. Average temperatures have increased by 1.1 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels, climate disasters happen every week around the world, and, still, the climate-denialist Vox party managed to become the third largest party in the November elections in Spain. This is fundamentally irrational, and it cautions us against anticipating that Europeans will behave rationally in the next few years.

What would be your suggestion to the Greens? What should they do in this situation?
Greens across Europe should ally themselves as closely as they can to climate movements outside of Parliament – and start thinking about how they can live up to the expectations from the streets, and the ways to convert popular pressure into actual legislation. This is a great challenge because we are up against some extremely strong forces that have to be defeated very quickly, in face of an immediate threat. That can never happen only by strictly parliamentary activities and electoral support. The balance of forces in society will have to be shifted so dramatically that it requires considerable social muscle to achieve that.

The example of the Swedish Greens illustrates that quite well. In 2014, one of their main campaign promises was to accept more asylum seekers and shut down the Swedish state-owned energy company Vattenfall’s lignite mines in Germany. But once they got into government, they made a deal with their major coalition partner, the Social Democratic Party, not to close down the mines as they had promised. Instead, they were sold to the Czech company EPH that wanted to start a lignite renaissance in Central Europe. The promise about refugees was also broken when the borders were closed in 2015. So that is an example of how poorly the Greens can perform in power.

Greens across Europe should ally themselves as closely as they can to climate movements outside of Parliament.
There was, another, very different case recently when a company called Swedegas wanted to construct a series of liquid natural gas terminals in Gothenburg. Many Ende-Gelände-type civil disobedience actions followed, and the Minister of Environment, the Green Party’s Isabella Lövin, announced that the government will not grant Swedegas the licence to construct these terminals. She explicitly said that this decision was due to all the recent mobilisations.

My conclusion would be that, back in 2014-2016, the Greens’ connections to the movement were not close enough and nor was the dynamic in the streets strong enough to allow them to push their case in their negotiations with the Social Democrats. This time, however, the Social Democrats had to give in.

The lesson here for the Greens – not just in Sweden, but across Europe – should be that if we want to make progress, we need to make sure that there are strong social movements outside of Parliament and that the political representatives of the Greens are on good terms with them.

For a review of Fossil Capital, as well as other important works of green thinking from the last few years, see the book review section of our lates
‘No consequences for negligence that kills’: McConnell wants corporate immunity from Covid-19 lawsuits

April 28, 2020 By Jake Johnson, Common Dreams

“This is one of the most appalling things I’ve heard in the context of this crisis.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is demanding that Congress use the next Covid-19 stimulus bill to shield corporations from legal responsibility for workers who contract the novel coronavirus on the job, throwing his support behind a proposal pushed in recent weeks by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other right-wing organizations.

The Kentucky Republican said in a statement Monday that companies could be hit with “years of endless lawsuits” if Congress doesn’t provide employers with liability protections as states begin reopening their economies.

“The idea companies can be held accountable is absolutely crucial to protecting workers.”
—Debbie Berkowitz, National Employment Law Project
“McConnell wants to immunize companies from liability when they make their workers go back to work, and those workers inevitably get sick,”tweeted The Atlantic‘s Adam Serwer.

In a Monday interview on Fox News Radio on the heels of his statement, McConnell said he considers liability protections for companies a non-negotiable demand for the next coronavirus stimulus legislation. Progressives are calling for a package that provides more protections for frontline workers and the unemployed.

“That’s going to be my red line,” McConnell said. “Trial lawyers are sharpening their pencils to come after healthcare providers and businesses, arguing that somehow the decision they made with regard to reopening adversely affected the health of someone else.”

Justin Wolfers, an economics professor at the University of Michigan, tweeted that McConnell is arguing that companies “should have the right to be negligent, and suffer no consequences for negligence that kills their staff.”

“At the present moment, do we want to tweak incentives to make employers more negligent, or less negligent?” Wolfers asked.

Here’s the argument: Tort law makes employers liable for being negligent with the lives of their workers and customers. McConnell is arguing that they should have the right to be negligent, and suffer no consequences for negligence that kills their staff. https://t.co/tX3eDTjnRP— Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) April 27, 2020

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y) called McConnell’s demand for corporate immunity “subterfuge” in an interview on MSNBC Tuesday morning, but did not rule out the proposal as part of a broader relief package.

Drew Hammill, deputy chief of staff for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), toldPolitico that “the House has no interest in diminishing protections for employees and customers.”

McConnell’s comments came a week after President Donald Trump said the White House is looking for ways to protect companies from legal action by workers who are infected with Covid-19 on the job.

“We are trying to take liability away from these companies,” Trump told reporters during a Coronavirus Task Force briefing last Monday. “We just don’t want that because we want the companies to open and to open strong.”

The Washington Post reported last week that the Trump administration is exploring the possibility of issuing through executive action “a liability waiver that would clear businesses of legal responsibility from employees who contract the coronavirus on the job.”

“In recent days, the White House has considered whether the liability waiver should apply to employees, too, for instance to include a waiter who fears being sued by a customer,” the Post reported. “This idea would require congressional approval, and its fate among Democrats is unclear.”

Debbie Berkowitz, director of the worker safety and health program at the National Employment Law Project, called the proposal of a liability waiver for corporations “horrible.”

“The idea companies can be held accountable is absolutely crucial to protecting workers,” Berkowitz told the Post. The possibility of a liability waiver, she said, “is one of the most appalling things I’ve heard in the context of this crisis.”

Download a 'Taking Sides' ebook

Covid-19: a shock to the system

Naomi Klein first identified what she called 'the shock doctrine' - the exploitation of disasters to further neoliberal policy - in 2007. The same year the global banking system collapsed, and Klein's thesis was demonstrated as politicians bailed out the banks at the expense of the taxpayer, then instituted years of punishing austerity. But neoliberal politicians do not always require a financial crisis or a 9/11 to impose their policies; moreover, some moments of acute crisis, like the end of the second world war, have led societies to reassess their values and prioritise the welfare of their citizens.
The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrates the lasting consequences of cutbacks, privatisation and globalisation on healthcare. Political decisions have been central in shaping this tragedy — from the destruction of animal habitats, to the asymmetric funding of medical research, to the management of the crisis itself. They will also determine the world into which we emerge after the worst is over.

In this ebook :

• Sonia Shah, 'The microbes, the animals and us'
• Théo Bourgeron, 'UK risked all on virus experiment'
• Quentin Ravelli, 'Putting profits before healthcare'
• Renaud Lambert & Pierre Rimbert, 'The unequal cost of coronavirus'
• Serge Halimi, 'Do it now. Right away'
Taking Sides is a series of ebooks published by Le Monde diplomatique. In each ebook, we are releasing the most significant articles from our English-language archive since 1996, on a topic that merits your attention.
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Trump dodges responsibility after calls to poison controls climb

Trump "can't imagine" why there'd be an increase in Americans misusing disinfectants. Is it really that complicated?

Disinfectant products on a store shelf. (Photo by: Jeffrey Greenberg/Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)Jeff Greenberg / Universal Image via Getty Images

April 28, 2020 
By Steve Benen

Donald Trump has made a variety of memorable comments since the coronavirus crisis began, but one of the president's more unfortunate quotes came in early March. At a White House press briefing, NBC News' Kristen Welker asked him whether he should take responsibility for the failure to disseminate larger quantities of tests earlier. "I don't take responsibility at all," Trump replied.

Yesterday, we saw a similar display.

President Donald Trump said he takes no responsibility for a spike in cases of people misusing disinfectants after he wondered aloud last week about possibly injecting them as a treatment for coronavirus. When asked Monday about the increase of people in some states ingesting disinfectants Trump answered: "I can't imagine why."

Pressed further on whether he takes any responsibility for those harmed by misuse of cleaning products, the president replied, "No, I don't."

The fact that Trump is preemptively dodging culpability isn't exactly surprising. On the contrary, it's one of his standard moves. But what struck me as notable was the president twice saying he "can't imagine why" there'd be a sudden increase in poison-control problems.

As it happens, I can imagine why. On Thursday afternoon, the president of the United States told a national television audience that disinfectants are effective in "knocking out" the virus "in a minute." He proceeded to wonder aloud whether there's "a way we can do something like that by injection inside -- or almost a cleaning."

It wasn't long before Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) said her state had "seen an increase in numbers of people calling poison control." Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) said something similar.

Team Trump slams 2020 virus strategy memo from GOP officials

State health officials in Illinois said over the weekend that there'd been "a significant increase in calls" to the state's poison-control center, and New York's health department acknowledged a related increase.

The Topeka Capital-Journal reported yesterday that Kansas Department of Health and Environment Secretary Lee Norman said poison control officials in his state saw "a 40% increase in the ingestion of toxic chemicals following remarks made by President Donald Trump." Norman added that one Kansan over the weekend drank a disinfectant product "because of the advice that he had received."

It's against this backdrop that Trump "can't imagine" why there'd be an increase in Americans misusing disinfectants. Perhaps the president's imagination is as troubled as his understanding of science?
John Ivison: Trudeau's lavish handouts risk turning workers into welfare slackers






COVID-19: Outbreak worsens at Superior Poultry in Coquitlam BC

DAVID CARRIGG More from David Carrigg
Published:April 28, 2020

Henry said the outbreak at the Superior Poultry processing plant in Coquitlam has worsened, with 46 cases.

A spike in COVID-19 infections related to two chicken processing plants owned by the Pollon family was responsible for over half of the new cases reported on Tuesday.

Provincial health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, said there were now 46 cases from the Superior Poultry plant in Coquitlam, while the number at its sister United Poultry plant in Vancouver was steady.

The plants are responsible for at least 80 new cases since a mass outbreak was uncovered at the United plant on April 20 – with 39 of the 55 positive tests reported Tuesday connected to the spread of the virus from within the poultry processors. The Pollon family of Abbotsford also own the Hallmark Poultry plant in the Downtown Eastside that has not been impacted by the outbreaks.

Workers transferring between the two facilities spread the disease.

“The majority of our cases today come from the ongoing investigations in two poultry producing plants,” Henry said.

The largest community outbreak in B.C. is within the Mission Institution federal prison, that now has 120 cases (two more than Monday.)

Henry said the Mission Institution outbreak was problematic because it has been identified late.

On Monday, more than three dozen organizations from across British Columbia and Canada demanded an immediate inquest into the April 15th death of a Mission Institution inmate due to COVID-19.

Thirty-eight groups representing human rights, prisoners’ rights, health and legal interests have sent a letter to B.C.’s chief coroner and solicitor general saying an immediate inquest is in the public interest.

Henry said that two people died between noon Monday and noon Tuesday, bringing the B.C. death toll to 105.

There are now 94 people with COVID-19 in hospital, including 37 in intensive care. Of the 2,053 cases reported in B.C., 717 are active. Most of those sick people are recovering in isolation at home or in long-term care facilities.

Henry said the intensive-care fatality rate in B.C. is lower than other parts of the world. She said there have been a number of COVID-19 complications appearing, including stroke and blood clots.

Five COVID-19 cases have been reported among children under five, and 14 cases in people aged 10 to 19. Only one of those cases has ended up in hospital.

Henry said she believes restrictions will start to be lifted between the middle and end of May.

She said testing had been expanded to pick up anybody in B.C. with respiratory sickness who may have COVID-19. She said young people are less impacted by COVID-19 and that if a vaccine comes, it will not be mandatory.

B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix said the province is keeping up with demand for personal protective equipment.

Also on Tuesday, the Ministry of Transportation announced commercial food trucks will be able to set up at rest areas and scales used by the trucking industry.

The B.C. Trucking Association had asked government to find a way to allow truckers to get a meal on the road, after most restaurants closed.

Along with allowing food trucks, the province has also installed more than 25 portable toilets at commercial pullouts and inspection stations.

Education Minister Rob Fleming said no date has been set for a return to class for students.

He said he wanted to learn from other provinces and countries like New Zealand before starting to reopen schools. Several thousand children whose parents are essential-service workers are attending schools, and there are plans to accommodate more of them, he said.

Vancouver Coastal Health announced its Inner City COVID-19 Response Strategy to deal with potential outbreaks in the Downtown Eastside.

The Ministry of Agriculture also revealed funding would be made available for animal shelters, the B.C. SPCA and zoo to cover emergency food and medicine costs.

Canada has 50,016 known cases of COVID-19.

More than 2,800 of those cases have been fatal.

The world has now seen more than three million cases of COVID-19 since it appeared at the start of the year, with about 215,000 related deaths.

With files from Canadian Press

— With files from The Canadian Press

COVID-19: Inmate suit filed against federal government over Mission outbreak

KIM BOLAN More from Kim Bolan
Published:April 23, 2020

"It is the worst outbreak in Canada and we expect the figure to rise because CSC just announced this week that all inmates will soon be tested." — lawyer Jeffrey Hartman

A lawyer representing inmates at the COVID-19-infested Mission Institution filed a class-action lawsuit against the federal government Thursday for failing to protect the men inside.

Jeffrey Hartman, who specializes in prison law, said the suit was filed “because the government that maintains total control over these Canadians failed them.”

Hartman said 20 per cent of the medium-security prison’s more than 300 inmates had tested positive for the coronavirus as of Thursday.

“It is the worst outbreak in Canada and we expect the figure to rise because CSC just announced this week that all inmates will soon be tested,” Hartman said.

He said the federal government and the Correctional Service Canada knew “an outbreak would have devastating consequences but failed to take adequate steps to prevent and mitigate it.”

“Aside from obvious physical health consequences, inmates are now confined to 8 x 12 foot cells for 23 hours and 40 minutes per day, for days on end, with significant mental health consequences. At least one inmate has attempted suicide.”

Another inmate died earlier this month due to complications from the virus.

Todd Howley, the inmate plaintiff in the lawsuit, tested positive for the virus even though prison staff suggested it was just allergies when he first developed symptoms, according to the statement of claim.

“This action is brought on behalf of all people who are or were incarcerated in Mission Institution and tested positive for COVID-19 or had COVID-19 symptoms since November of 2019,” the document says.

Mission Institution at 8751 Stave Lake St., Mission, B.C. Francis Georgian / PNG

“The government’s prison population is at heightened risk of infection due to population density, close living quarters, shared amenities such as telephones, underlying illness and health vulnerabilities, and often unhygienic and unsanitary conditions.”

The suit alleges that as early as the middle of March “CSC staff and inmates, originally in the food handling area, began to develop COVID-19 and flu-like symptoms.”

Howley had “sinus issues and headaches, as well as other symptoms related to the coronavirus.

The suit says even though the inmates were locked down about April 2, CSC staff continued to come and go from the prison.

“It was not until approximately April 20, 2020 that staff underwent rigorous decontamination on entering Mission Institution,” the suit says, adding that a hazmat team was finally brought in to decontaminate the buildings the same day.

Meanwhile because of the lockdown, Howley and the other inmates are “enduring severe lockdown conditions” including for at least a week in April, “a total deprivation of exercise, shower and telephone.”

Meals were small and not being served regularly — for a week, the inmates got McDonald’s meals. Inmates were not only unable to call family, but had trouble reaching their lawyers as well, the suit says.

Mission Institution at 8751 Stave Lake St., Mission, B.C. Francis Georgian / PNG

The lockdown led “a high state of tension causing or exacerbating the risk of harm as well as mental health symptoms such as anxiety and depression.”

Howley and other inmates got sick because the CSC failed to take “adequate measures to protect the plaintiff and class from COVID-19,” then failed to “provide appropriate medical care in a timely manner or at all.”

The CSC violated its own regulations, as well as the Charter rights of the inmates, the suit said.

Attempts should have been made to “depopulate Mission Institution by releasing low risk inmates on bail, parole, or through other legal mechanisms.”

The inmates are seeking damages and a declaration that their rights were violated as well as an order certifying the class action suit.

The CSC has not yet filed a response to the lawsuit.

Meanwhile, B.C.’s public health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry said Thursday that the “challenging” Mission outbreak was up to 78 cases including both inmates and staff members.

In a statement provided before the lawsuit was filed, CSC communications adviser Martine Rondeau said “we are doing everything possible to prevent further transmission of COVID-19 including reviewing local infection and control measures in collaboration with several external experts.”

“We have been making every effort to give inmates time outside of their cells. Staffing levels can fluctuate and we have called out for volunteers to work at the site,” she said. “We also need to make sure that time out of cells is done safely to prevent further spread. This means making sure inmates remain at least 2 metres apart and that effective cleaning and disinfecting is done multiple times per day.”



AFL warns labour minister that more deaths will occur if he doesn’t crack down on employers

“If your government is really serious about protecting the front-line workers who you call heroes – and if you’re really serious about protecting the public by stopping the spread of the coronavirus – then you need to take the lead on ensuring that public health directives are followed in Alberta workplaces, rather than leaving compliance up to employers. If you don’t take a more aggressive approach, we are certain that there will be more infections and more deaths. Do you really want that to be your legacy?” 
Ignoring US Alarms, Alberta Meat Packers Spawned Canada’s Biggest Outbreak
As the virus gripped US plants, the union pleaded for a shutdown. They were rebuffed.

Andrew Nikiforuk 24 Apr 2020 | TheTyee.ca
Tyee contributing editor Andrew Nikiforuk is an award-winning journalist whose books and articles focus on epidemics, the energy industry, nature and more.

Cargill’s High River, Alta. meat-packing plant, shut down due to a deadly outbreak weeks after its union pleaded for a temporary closure and safer working conditions. Photo: Brent Calver, Okotoks Western Wheel.

Canada’s largest outbreak of COVID-19 swept through two meat-packing plants in southern Alberta two weeks after the provincial government ignored union requests to temporarily close both of the plants.

And it mirrored a series of recent, well-documented hot-zone eruptions in meat plants in the United States.

More than 600 immigrant workers and community members have been infected while the disease has killed at least three people at Cargill’s High River plant and the JBS food plant in Brooks, Alta.

“The real issue here is a moral issue,” charged Thomas Hesse, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 401, which represents workers at the plants. “How do we as a society want to bring food to our tables?”

elh Notley, the former premier of Alberta, has called for a full public inquiry.

“It is unconscionable that we now have a situation where hundreds of people have contracted a deadly virus,” said Notley, who leads the NDP Official Opposition. “What kind of concerns put the lives of workers so low?” she asked on CBC Radio yesterday.

Alberta’s growing outbreaks follow in the wake of deadly events in the U.S. where meat-packing plants have become COVID-19 incubators.

The U.S. recorded its largest single cluster of cases at a pork-processing facility in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in early April. By the time the Chinese-owned facility closed for two weeks there were nearly 900 cases.

In the U.S., rates of coronavirus infection are 75 per cent higher in rural counties housing large beef, pork and poultry-processing plants, a USA Today investigation found. But leading up to meat-plant outbreaks there, as in Alberta, government authorities largely ignored warnings from workers, unions and immigrant groups.

Two days before the Cargill shutdown, Alberta Agriculture Minister Devin Dreeshen tweeted to workers “their worksite is safe.”

Meat-packing plants, which crowd workers into close quarters, now vie with nursing homes as places conducive to viral spread.

“Initially our concern was long-term care facilities,” said Gary Anthone, Nebraska’s chief medical officer, last week. “If there’s one thing that might keep me up at night, it’s the meat-processing plants and the manufacturing plants.”

The Alberta outbreaks should have caught no one by surprise, University of Ottawa public health expert Amir Attaran told The Tyee.

“It definitely should have been predicted by the health and safety inspectors that these would be hot spots,” said Attaran. He noted that “Alberta was doing inspections by video,” raising questions whether there was “an effort to prevent the inspectors doing their jobs.”

In mid-March the union representing Alberta workers at meat plants called upon Cargill and JBS Food to prepare to shut down in case of an outbreak.

Cargill’s food plant, which is located in High River, and JBS Food in Brooks, are both high-volume kill factories. They control 85 per cent of the nation’s beef slaughtering capacity. A smaller Cargill plant in Guelph, Ontario does the rest.

Cargill slaughters up to 4,500 beef cows a day and JBS 4,200 daily. Nearly all beef sold in Canada’s grocery stores comes from one of these three foreign-owned plants.

In response to the union’s questions about preparations for shutdowns, Cargill replied it was going to keep “our facilities open and operating because now, more than ever, families across Canada and around the world are relying on us to deliver safe, affordable protein.”

JBS said, “We are allowing employees age 70 or older, employees who are pregnant, and employees who [are] currently being treated for cancer, to go on a voluntary leave of absence and receive short-term disability benefits during that period.”

And then the first cases emerged at Cargill in early April.

Workers at the plant say they were unable to avoid infection risks at the Cargill plant located just north of High River, a community of 14,000 people.

At the Cargill plants, which disassemble beef cows into steaks and roasts, employees, many of whom are immigrant labourers from 50 different countries, work shoulder to shoulder. While Cargill implemented some new measures to limit virus transmission, physical distancing is a near impossibility in a modern meat-packing plant.

Among such operations in the U.S., there have been scores of COVID-19 outbreaks. One at a massive JBS plant in Greeley, Colo. infected hundreds of workers and killed at least four in early April. The plant, which slaughtered 5,400 cattle a day and employed 6,000 people, eventually closed for two weeks.

Meanwhile the contagion in Alberta continued to grow. After more cases emerged at Cargill in early April, Alberta Health Services inspected the plant on April 7.

Thomas Hesse asked for a written report but was told there was none, and that the Calgary regional arm of health services relied on “verbal reports” from its staff that the plant was safe.

But by Easter the virus had continued to spread and as many as 38 cases had appeared among workers.

On April 12, Easter Sunday, the UFCW’s Hesse formally requested that the province shut down the Cargill and JBS plants for two weeks.

“That week my mind was squirming like a toad because I had seen all these places close in the United States and the government had said one in six Albertans were going to carry the virus,” Hesse told The Tyee. “My grandmother told me an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, but with this pandemic there is no cure so we need more protection.”

His letter argued that temporary shutdown would save lives and would not affect the flow of beef significantly. The letter also referenced outbreaks at meat-packing plants in the U.S.: “The numbers that are emerging from comparable plants in North America have now reached a tipping point so as to obviously necessitate new preventative action in your plants. There are now reports of 30 North American UFCW member deaths. Employees are scared. Your employees are scared. It is time to act. It is time to protect life.”

At the same time, 267 members of the Filipino community in High River sent a letter to High River Mayor Craig Snodgrass requesting his help to convince Cargill to close its plant for two weeks. “We are mentally bothered and anxious,” they wrote, “even paranoid about the fact that even mildest symptoms spreading day by day thinking would somehow lead to the conclusion that they might be already positive carriers of the virus.”

The signers added that the company had ignored their pleas. “They don’t even care to provide masks for their workers, they told them to provide their own if they wanted to. It is very sad to know that the health of the employees are definitely not their concern. They are only after PROFIT!”

In response to these entreaties, Dreeshen said plants like Cargill have to remain open. He told CTV News that he was confident that changes the companies had made, including Plexiglas barriers, temperature checks and protective equipment would protect workers.

“These plants need to be operational in order for our food-supply system to operate,” pronounced Dreeshen on April 14.

Cargill accused Hesse of being “inflammatory” and scaring workers away from the plant. (Read the letter here.)
Inside Cargill’s High River meat-packing plant before the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo: Cargill.

After Easter, UFCW Local 401 filed a formal complaint with Alberta Occupational Health and Safety about conditions at Cargill’s High River plant and concerns about the virus. OHS then performed a virtual inspection involving visuals provided by a cell phone on April 16.

No workers were interviewed, and the inspector never stepped into the plant.

“We have a staff of 70 at the union, and they didn’t ask any of us to participate,” said Hesse. He called an inspection of the massive facility via cell phone “ridiculous.”

On April 15, Alberta Health Services set up a dedicated testing facility in High River and it soon recorded hundreds of positive cases. The AHS attributed some of the cases to carpooling at the plant and the fact that a high number of Cargill workers shared living space.

“But the reason they are sharing vehicles and living together is because they can’t cope with rents and living costs because they are working at the plant,” said Hesse. “It’s the petri dish that connects everyone together.”

Authorities, Cargill and government ministers again tried to reassure employees that their workplace was safe during a telephone town meeting on April 18.

That was followed the next day by a union telephone conference where 2,000 members were asked if they were afraid of going into work because of the outbreak: 85 per cent said yes. The union informed its members of their basic right to refuse dangerous work.

Cargill didn’t idle the plant until April 20, when Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Deena Hinshaw announced the first death from the outbreak.

“They are only closing because people weren’t coming into work,” explained union spokesperson Michael Hughes. “They refuse to call it a shutdown. They call it idling.”

The head of the U.S. conglomerate that owns Cargill’s Alberta plant announced the closure in a statement. “Considering the community-wide impacts of the virus, we encourage all employees to get tested for the COVID-19 virus as now advised by Alberta Health Services as soon as possible,” said Jon Nash, president of Cargill Protein.

The JBS facility, owned by a Brazilian conglomerate, is still operating one shift of 1,000 workers despite several hospitalizations and one death. “Increased absenteeism” forced the change, said the company, despite increased wages of $4 an hour.

When Cargill finally closed, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney downplayed the event at a daily press conference, saying that Alberta had 200 meat processing facilities and that only one per cent were affected. He did not mention that the two plants combined, Cargill and JBS plants, slaughtered most of the beef in the country.

Hesse remains critical of the province’s response as rates of infection and deaths rise. Neither the government nor Cargill “adequately protected workers, and now our members are getting sick and dying. If our members’ work is essential, they shouldn’t be treated like they are expendable.”

Hesse says the province needs to make changes to protect workers at meat plants as well as grocery stores. “We are calling for an independent, worker-centred review of health and safety in food processing facilities and grocery stores, to create a clear, effective and well-enforced regulatory regime for Alberta’s food sector.”

COVID-19 Sparks Push to Improve BC’s Food Security READ MORE

Yesterday, April 24, the government of Alberta announced that Occupational Health and Safety would investigate conditions at both plants by sending inspectors inside their walls.

But Hesse says that it may be too late to repair trust. “Our members have lost faith in the ability of OHS to protect workers,” he said.

The UFCW Local 401 is the largest private sector union in Western Canada and represents 32,000 Alberta workers mainly in the food processing and retail sector.

To some ranchers and farmers, Alberta’s outbreaks illustrate the fragility of an industrial food system focused on bigness, efficiency and foreign ownership.

“Excessive concentration of ownership and centralization of beef processing, supported and encouraged by our federal and provincial governments, has now put the health of workers, the beef supply and the livelihoods of thousands of farmers in jeopardy,” said Iain Aitken, a member of the National Farmers Union and Manitoba beef producer.

Labour group calls for criminal investigation into Cargill beef plant COVID-19 death


The Cargill plant north of High River, AB, south of Calgary is shown on Friday, April 17, 2020. Jim Wells/Postmedia

'There's no doubt in our minds that this is a workplace fatality,' said AFL president Gil McGowan on Tuesday

The COVID-19 death of a High River meat plant employee must be treated as a workplace fatality and a criminal investigation should be launched, the Alberta Federation of Labour said Tuesday.

In a letter Tuesday to provincial Labour Minister Jason Copping, AFL president Gil McGowan called for a formal Occupational Health & Safety investigation into the circumstances of the death — which was made public Monday and is the first fatality to result from a large-scale COVID-19 outbreak at the Cargill meat processing plant in High River.

Occupational Health & Safety investigates serious work site incidents, including fatalities, which fall under provincial jurisdiction. OHS is currently working through the formal process to determine whether to open a fatality investigation, Adrienne South, spokeswoman for Copping, said Thursday evening.

The provincial labour group also called for the meat plant’s operator, Cargill Inc., to be subject to an RCMP criminal investigation under the federal Westray Act, a rarely used amendment to the Criminal Code that allows employers to be prosecuted in cases of negligence leading to a workplace injury or death.

“There’s no doubt in our minds that this is a workplace fatality,” McGowan said in an interview. “And also that it could have been avoided, had the employer and the government suspended operations at that plant when the workers and their union called for it more than two weeks ago.”

As of Tuesday, 401 workers at the High River meat-packing plant — which represents 36 per cent of Canada’s beef processing capacity — had tested positive for COVID-19. On Monday, Cargill announced it would temporarily idle the entire facility and encouraged all employees to seek testing for the virus.

However, the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 401, which represents workers at the Cargill plant, has been saying for weeks the Minnesota-based company wasn’t doing enough to protect employees.

Union local president Thomas Hesse wrote to Cargill in mid-April, stating that work was being carried out in a manner contrary to social distancing and endangering roughly 2,000 workers at the facility. At the time, Hesse demanded a two-week closure and a full cleaning and safety inspection of the plant.

Earlier this month, OHS did conduct an inspection of the Cargill plant in High River to review the COVID-19 safety measures being taken to protect workers. The inspection determined that reasonable precautions were being taken by the employer.

However, Hesse has been critical of that inspection, which was conducted via videoconference and not in person by an OHS officer. (South said the reason the inspection was conducted via videoconference was because of the pandemic, and said this method of inspection is not specific or unique to the Cargill facility.)

“We can’t trust the government on this now, because they could have closed this plant and didn’t,” Hesse said Thursday.

Both Hesse and the AFL are calling for both the Olymel pork processing plant at Red Deer and the JBS meat processing plant at Brooks (which had 77 confirmed cases of Tuesday afternoon) to also be temporarily shut down out of concerns for worker safety.

JBS spokesman Cameron Bruett said in an email Tuesday the Brooks plant has reduced production to one shift, given “increased absenteeism.”

Bruett said the JBS facility has a responsibility to maintain operations to secure the country’s food supply, but added “we will not operate a facility if we do not believe it is safe or if absenteeism levels result in our inability to safely operate.”

Both JBS and Cargill have consistently said they have been implementing temperature testing, enhanced cleaning and sanitizing, face coverings, screening between employee stations, prohibiting visitors, adopting distancing practices where possible and offering staggered breaks and shift flexibility.

AHS officials responded as soon the Cargill outbreak was identified and enhanced safety protocols were put in place, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health, said Tuesday.

“But because there are so many people that go in and out of these plants, it’s possible that spread did occur before those protective measures were put into place,” Hinshaw said.

NDP Opposition Leader Rachel Notley — who has urged all meat plant workers sick with COVID-19 to apply for WCB compensation — said the Cargill employee’s death, as well as the outbreak at the entire facility, should be subject to an OHS investigation.

She also criticized Agriculture Minister Devin Dreeshen, who, two days before the fatality was confirmed and the closure of the plant was announced, publicly assured employees and Albertans that Cargill had taken “all necessary measures” to mitigate risk to its staff.

“It’s outrageous that we’re at a place today where hundreds of people have contracted a deadly virus because the UCP couldn’t see past the supply chain to the people at work,” Notley said in a news release.

The AFL and UFCW are calling for an independent safety inspection of the Cargill plant, as well as the development of a provincewide plan to prevent future outbreaks at meat plants.

Myles Leslie, associate director of research with the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy, said it may be necessary for all three plants to be closed and completely redesigned to keep workers safe while still producing food.

“We may need to completely shut, hit the reset button, redo the production line so that everyone is two metres apart,” Leslie said. “Production will have to go down. But back online at 50 per cent is a whole lot better than shut down at zero per cent, or 100 per cent with everybody sick.”

Day of Mourning 2020: UCP government failing to put worker safety first
Alberta meatpacking plant COVID-19 outbreaks highlight need for better worker safety

Today is the Day of Mourning. It’s the day we remember all the workers who have been killed, injured or exposed to illness because of work. This year we need to get particularly angry and vocal. Here in Alberta, the UCP’s irresponsible refusal to apply basic workplace health and safety principles to the COVID-19 crisis is literally killing workers. We need to speak out and demand better. The government may be able to label workers as essential: but that doesn’t mean they should be treated as expendable.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Day of Mourning looks vastly different. In Alberta, the Calgary and District Labour Council will have a Zoom broadcast of a wreath-laying ceremony at noon MDT and the Edmonton and District Labour Council has shared a video. The AFL will be connecting to these through social media channels and we encourage everyone to take a moment to reflect on those we’ve lost due to their workplaces and what our world would look like when we put worker safety first. Today we mourn, tomorrow we fight for a safer future. 









Scientists Now Say No, They Weren’t Reporting The First Case Of A Dead Body Spreading The Coronavirus

The authors of the controversial report issued a correction saying their initial claims were misinterpreted. “This is really unusual, you don't publish a report that someone is dead and then say, no he isn't,” another scientist said.

John Minchillo / AP
Dan Vergano BuzzFeed News Reporter April 23, 2020

A scientific journal has published a correction from two authors who had previously penned a short report suggesting that the coronavirus had spread from a corpse — a highly unusual measure only taken after a Thai journalist contacted BuzzFeed News about the accuracy of the journal’s report.

On April 12, the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine announced “the first report on COVID-19 infection and death among medical personnel in a Forensic Medicine unit,” which BuzzFeed News reported the next day. The authors of the report, Won Sriwijitalai of the RVT Medical Center in Bangkok and Viroj Wiwanitkit of Hainan Medical University in China, linked the death to “contact with biological samples and corpses.”

It was a groundbreaking statement from two scientists that captured the world’s attention, as experts scramble to understand how the coronavirus behaves and spreads among humans and animals.

But on Thursday, the journal published a correction from the authors. The original report was poorly written, the authors explained, and had resulted in “misinterpretation.”

“The authors regret that the article might not have good writing for clarification in the primary text and it might result in misinterpretation,” they wrote. “The authors did not mean to suggest that the victim had died, and that the authors do not know for sure and cannot scientifically confirm that the virus moved from the dead body.”

Asked about the correction, the journal’s editor, Tim Thompson, a professor of applied biological anthropology at Teesside University in the UK, said by email, “We have been chasing this down this past week. We’re hoping this will clear the situation up now.”

Elsevier, the publisher of the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine and one of the leading science journal publishers in the world, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The correction came after journalist Peerapon Anutarasoat of the Sure And Share Center in Bangkok raised questions to BuzzFeed News about the original report's accuracy and about its authors’ affiliations. BuzzFeed News contacted Elsevier as well as the journal’s editor on April 14 for comment on the questions raised by Anutarasoat.

In response, Thompson, the journal editor, wrote on April 15, "It's important to note that the letter doesn't say that the deceased caught COVID from a corpse, just that it's the first forensic practitioner to die."

In an email the next day, Sriwijitalai, the report’s coauthor, responded to a BuzzFeed News query to say a clarification was underway, and that the worker mentioned in the letter had not died, but had only been infected. The situation raised the “risk of death” among mortuary workers, he wrote.

The Thai health ministry and Thai embassy in Washington, DC, did not respond to requests for comment.

Scientists still know very little about whether the dead bodies of people infected with the coronavirus can be contagious. The CDC’s recommendations state, “People should consider not touching the body of someone who has died of COVID-19,” suggesting that those who handle dead bodies should wear personal protective equipment.

“This is really unusual, you don't publish a report that someone is dead and then say, no he isn't,” said Angelique Corthals, a professor of pathology at CUNY's John Jay College of Criminal Justice. “To be fair, this is a crisis and a lot of the review practices have become relaxed."

"The points about the importance of PPE in handling people who have died of coronavirus still stand, because we just don't have all the answers,” Corthals said.