Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Aw Shucks

Le Revue Gauche is one of my favourite blogs of all time. Eugene Plawiuk, guerrilla brainiac at large, makes mincemeat out of just about everyone. This guy is an equal opportunity billshit detector. Here's his take on Iggy's speechifying at the last debate re that whole "narrative" hocus-pocus blah-dee-blah: The Professor Versus the Populist If Ignatieff becomes leader of the Liberals it will

Aw shucks thanks. It's a tough job and somebodies got to do it. But it is nice to be appreciated.

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Big Daddy State

Forget the liberal nanny state, this is the age of the Conservative Big Daddy State. Whose motto is do as Daddy says not as Daddy-do.Harper, six Tory MPs on ultimate boys' night out

And as everyone knows the nanny is better liked than Big Daddy, specially when he thinks that Father Knows Best. However with Big Daddy's baby bonus most Canadians can't afford day care let alone a nanny.
Canadians Rejecting Harper Government Child Allowance, Poll Shows

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Zionist State Murders Children, Again

And one cannot say this is blood libel. Just business as usual for the Zionist Occupational State. Israel Murders Innocents

Where is the outrage?
Three children killed by Israel air strike on Gaza

Or the outrage over their lying about killing unarmed innocent civilians as there would be over suicide bombings in Israel.

Missles and artillery are the weapons of war. Nothing personal. Just killing Palestinians errr terrorists.
Israel fires missile at Gaza: witnesses

Because they have a political agenda and security of the working class in Israel is not part of it. The rocket attacks from Gaza have been a convivent excuse to continue the Zionist State's relentless campaign of assisination of Palestinian leadership.

Israeli Town Shuts Down to Protest Attacks

The Israeli army has failed to halt the rocket fire despite airstrikes and artillery attacks, putting Defense Minister Amir Peretz, a resident of the town, in an awkward position. As the demonstrations began Tuesday, Palestinian militants fired at least three rockets from the northern Gaza Strip, about three miles away. No damage or injuries were reported.

The majority of the rockets fired by Hamas and other militants have been about as effective as fireworks, more bust than bang. But are perfect excuse for Israel to continue its air offensive on selective targets. The Isreali government has abandoned this town, while focusing its efforts on protecting its illegal settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

And as you read the news headlines once again the death of Palestinian families and children will be pushed aside for the phoney outrage over the rocket attacks on this town in Israel. Even though they have been no more effective than fireworks.

On this the 350 anniversary of the readmission of the Jews to England, who as a result of British pogroms suffered real blood libel and the resulting massacres through out Europe for the past four hundred years. The Zionist State is not their natural inheritence but a State of conviniance formed for them by the British and allies after WWII. It is not the answer for the crimes committed against Jews by the blood libel. Rather it is now the excuse for the Zionists to blood libel their opponents.

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The Professor Versus the Populist

If Ignatieff becomes leader of the Liberals it will be the pontificating pompous Professor versus the Pulsimonious Prairie Populist. There I said it, loqacious alliterations and drooling adjectives.

MP and academic star Michael Ignatieff, fast becoming the high-profile front-runner in the leadership race, said the choice facing the party comes down to "who among us has the best chance of defeating Stephen Harper? Beating Mr. Harper means defeating his narrative."

Damn I wish I paid more attention to Cultural Studies so I would understand all this grand narrative, deconstructionist, post-modern politics of our Harvard man. Actually its just good old fashioned Canadian Whig politics.

So he is going to bore us all to death, gawd can the man be more expressionless, droll, dry and monotone, wait those were Harpers qualities, and Ignatieff has them and in spades.

Ignatieff vs Harper the narrative, or story line, will be little Dr. Michael sonorously saying Me Too as he has done to date on major issues like Afghanistan. Tweddle Dee and Tweedle Dum.

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50th Anniversary Hungarian Workers Revolt

The Hungarian Revolution of 1956


2006 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Hungarian Uprising and Revolution of 1956. Following the savage repression of a demonstration on October 23 a general strike was declared, and directly democratic workers' councils sprung up across the country. In cities the workers armed themselves and fraternised with the troops, and managed to hold off Russian forces which invaded, but eventually the resistance was crushed by Soviet tanks.

It is not out of love for nostalgia that we are commemorating the uprising: Hungary '56 was a prime example of the working class itself reaching for power. Doubly significant, it took place in one of the mythical 'workers' states', where the Communist government claimed to represent the workers.

It showed for many, throughout the world, a new alternative to capitalism and Soviet "Communism" - read "state capitalism" - and it galvanised movements towards genuine revolutionary politics.

Below we reproduce the start of our history of the 1956 Revolution, and to the right are a selection of links to Hungary 56-related content on libcom.org.

The Hungarian revolt was preceded in 1953 by a General Strike and revolt in Eastern Germany. Like later revolts during the 1989 fall of the Soviet Union the first thing to be attacked in the Hungarian Revolution of 56 was the statue of Stalin in the main square.

And like other failed Eastern European revolts through out the sixties, seventies and eighties, the only successful one being the mass workers revolt in Poland that later became a CIA Vatican success. It was because all previous America Cold War propaganda campigns via the CIA and Radio Free America failed the revolts they encouraged, after publicly promising them arms and support.

Shades of Iraq. 1991 Kurdish Shia revolts promoted by Bush and Co. and then get slaughtered when no U.S. or allied support appears. Statue of Saddam is torn down in staged photo TV op by US tanks. Tanks roll into Baghdad and inssurection breaks out.

Now shades of Iran. As they encourage regime change, with no intentions of aiding such change. They have learned nothing since Hungary. Except to use unions as a forum to promote social democractic change in Irans Civil Society.

Missing the point that these unions are not interested in capitalist democracy or its state.

Real revolution is NOT about capitalist democracy and its parliamentary state it's about workers councils and mass worker revolt. Something Solidarity Poland understood and its leadership co-opted into a Nationalist Catholic movement to gain electoral power. That road has led nowhere.

The revolt in the Stalinst dominated East European countries of the Cold War, were the seeds of later revolts that led to the fall of the Stalinist State in Russia, but not of state capitalism.

And until there is a strong enough proletarian movement in the Middle East, then again narrow nationalism and parochial parliamentarism will be seen as the alternative to Imperialism.

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