Thursday, October 27, 2005

Vote For this Site for the 2005 Canadian Blog Awards

The original blog awards, started by My Bhlag are back for this year...not to be confused with the nasty imitation conservative trolls psuedo-awards by Small Dead Animals, which I boycotted, cause fascists have no right to blog....I hope my readers, all two of us, vote for this humble site which started this year, or you will force me to plug the poll with my own votes....oh yeah and don't forget to vote for my other blogs, Red Between the Lines and Heresiology...pluuuuullleasssee...he said in his best Roger Rabbit, I really hate begging....not..

Nominations are now open!

Brought to you by My Blahg.
Join the discussion about the 2005 Canadian Blog Awards.

Tentative Timetable
Wednesday October 26th - Sunday November 20th: Nominations.
Thursday November 24th - Wednesday November 30th: Round One voting.
Friday November 2nd, 12pm EST: Round One results will be announced.
Saturday December 3rd - Friday December 9th: Round Two voting.
Sunday December 11th, 9pm EST: Round Two results will be announced.

Please be sure to inform any bloggers you nominate of their nomination. Thank you. Also be sure to check out the nominations list to see if a blog has already been nominated for a category. Nominations can also be made via the My Blahg contact form, the comments of this post or by email. Be sure to include the name, url and category for each blog you nominate.

Best Blog
Best Liberal Blog: for blogs that are politically left.
Best Conservative Blog: for blogs that are politically right.
Best New Blog: for blogs that started in 2005.
Best Group Blog
Best Humour Blog
Best Photo Blog
Best Culture Blog: for blogs about art, literature, movies, music, etc.
Best Personal Blog
Best Media Blog: for blogs by professionals in the media.
Best Business Blog
Best Religious Blog
Best Sports Blog
Best Blog Post: For an individual post by a blogger.
Best Blog Post Series: For a series of posts that relate to each other.

All blogs authored by a Canadian citizen, living at home or abroad, or any foreign national residing in Canada are eligible for nomination in the 2005 Canadian Blog Awards. A blog may be nominated for more than one category. Nominated blogs that clearly do not fit a particular category however, will not be listed.

There will be two rounds of voting. The first round will consist of all blogs nominated in each category and the second will consist of the 5 blogs in each category that receive the most votes in round 1.

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