Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Warren Kinsella Exposed


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Exposed as what?

    You've got two different images from two different servers sitting next to each other.

    There's no mention of Kinsella anyewhere on the DWotCPC page. I couldn't find any mention of him on the Pearson Shoyama institute page either, even on the member's listing (which, incidently hasn't been updated since September 30, 2003)

    I don't get it.

    or am I supposed to be wearing a tinfoil hat to understand?

  2. While I do enjoy it when Kinsella takes shots at Paul Martin, he's no Conservative.

    You guys can keep him. :)

  3. Hey Vickey love your page,nice write up about Ed and Lucille, yep its just a cheap shot, and not a very well done one at that. TT read his blog, specially the nice things he says about the Harper, maybe hes just a blue Liberal, blue about Chretien losing...
