Thursday, December 15, 2005

Alberta Ignored

CP has picked up the story that ran on CBC on the weekend about how Alberta is being dis'ed by the party Leaders. Well with the exception of Duceppe of course. Bill Doskotch comments on this on his blog on the CTV site. And I have added my two bits to the discussion there as well. Complete with my election predictions for good old Redmonton. And if you have been paying attention here, and who hasn't, you know what they are, and if you don't read my comment.


  1. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I picked up tickets and campaign buttons today for my friends and I. We're looking forward to the big rally when Mr. Harper visits Edmonton this weekend. So I guess it's only the Liberals and NDP that are ignoring us. Typical.

  2. Not alot of PR around his visit. Mr. Harper kinda formal that....Jacks visiting next week...that just leaves Duceppe and Martin....
