Saturday, December 31, 2005

Another Libertarian Blog & Politblogo

A tip o the blog to the Politblogo collective who turned me on to this site of Arthur Sibler who is now a defunct blogger. Since he appears to be a Left Libertarian, I would link to what I thought was one of his excellent essays. Like me he tends to use extended quotes and write longer feature articles.This one is well worth the trouble of spending some time reading and digesting: Patriarchy, Sexism, Homophobia, and the Warrior Culture

Now I like Politblogo, these guys appear to be from Montreal, and I stand to be corrected on this. I like 'em for a couple of reasons they are a collective of bloggers, they read Steamshovel Sci Fi.

And they do analysis of the Quebec views of Election 2006. Which is rare to find in English Canada.

Check out these articles:

Québec federalists prefer an non-Quebec anglophone

Duceppe and the EU example

Realizing the dichotomy in Quebec

Why intermediate Quebec/ROC solutions won't work


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