Thursday, December 15, 2005

Klein Sez Vote Liberal

Klein: Harper will have problems in Central Canada It's not the first time Klein has offered his frank opinion of Harper's chances. And what he has to say contrasts sharply with the positions of other Tory premiers. A political analyst in Calgary is bewildered about why Klein continues to wade into the fray. "I'm not sure what his motives are here, if there are any motives,'' says Keith Brownsey, a professor at Mount Royal College. "It's just Ralph Klein shooting from the lip."This is very hurtful (to) the federal Conservatives.''

His motives are as clear as the nose on his face, and this prof sure is either naive or disingenuous (either way I hope he doesn't have tenure he is obviously out of his league) to suggest that he is just shooting form the lip. Clearly he is not. It is part of the politics of Alberta a long standing strategy of using the mythical historical fued between Ottawa and Alberta to gurantee the ruling party in the provincial legislature to remain in power . Its what has given the PC rule in the province its longevity.

When the peasants are revolting, the party in power looks eastward and sez its them bastards in Ottawa, look look over there. This is no different. Klein ever the consumate politician knows that with the Liberals in power in Ottawa Alberta will have someone to kick around. He fears, dreads actually a Conservative government in Ottawa. As did his predecesors.

When Mulroney ruled, he too wa an eastern bastard as was his party regradless of its Alberta base. The right wing in Alberta that revolted against the Mulroney Bouchard Progressive Conservatives, created the Reform Party which revitalized a populist movement that began to question the long standing PC power in Edmonton. It was not just a movement against Ottawa, but against politics as usual. And when you unleash populist political movements they do not stay within the nice closed parameters of politics as usual.

So of course Klein wants you to vote Liberal, it gurantees his party, even with out him, a better chance of staying in power come the next provincial election. And despite their overwhelming majority, which slipped last election, the PC's are terrified of any form of slippage in the vote. Bashing Ottawa is Alberta's favorite poltical sport, and it gets votes. Have an Alberta based Conservative party in Ottawa and the Liberals provincially will gain ground. Cause we are a province of contrarians.

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