Thursday, December 29, 2005

Media Friendly

It has been noted by reporters, especially the CBC reporters embedded in the campaigns, that the Harper has been Mr. Congeniality this election. He visits them with beer in hand on his plane, socializes. Same with Jack Layton who whips out the guitar to sing Kumabia and some old labour hymns.

Whereas His Royal Highness Paul Martin has locked himself away in the front of the plane unavailable to reporters. Scott Feschuk his royal jester
blogs that despite this being a none issue, whether one is media friendly or not, the real reason for PMPM hiding in the front of the plane is that he is practicing his ole soft shoe.

The Prime Minister, meanwhile, HAS NOT gone to the back of the plane (although in his defence, the annual PMO mambo contest is coming up soon, and heand Sheila need to put in some serious floor time if they have a hope ofdethroning me and Scott Reid).


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