Saturday, December 24, 2005


I hav alwys beleived that to critisize peuple for there spellng and gramma mythtakes wuz the lowest kinda attak its reely a cheep shoot. It avods discusing the reel argument that I or othrs might make. B-sides ths blogg dsnt alloww four spllchckng. Often I hav speling erors becuase I typo so fast that I make typ os rther than spellng mithtakes. So when you vsit and red my stuf here pleas excus the erors they realli r only typos. On the othr hnd all mythtakes here may b deliberite. Just 2 see IF yu are paying attntion.

1 comment:

  1. Some people may be critical of other peoples spell,... but that person would not be me ;-)
