Saturday, December 10, 2005

Who Is Missing

Though the Conservatives do well from the west’s sense of alienation from Ottawa, the federal capital, beyond the region they are weak.
Despite the sleaze scandal and a ruling party that looks weak, the opposition party has gained surprisingly little in the polls since the last election—not unlike America. But Canada differs from its southern neighbour in a big respect. The two big parties must compete with the NDP across the country.

The Ecomomist ran this photo with their article about the election in Canada. And after mentioning the NDP they forgot to include Jack in the photo. Or did they? Perhaps they have a hidden agenda, after all they are a conservative capitalist business magazine. Do ya think?

For the Economist this is the closest that they get to making an endorsement of the NDP sans Jacks picture.

But Canadians are grumpy. They worry about government ethics, but they fret even more about things like the state of their health-care system. The Liberals have a 12-year run in government behind them. They are likely—but not guaranteed—to convince Canadians to give them yet another chance. But a majority in the House of Commons may again elude them.

Gee, on second thought not being in this rogues gallery may actually benefit Jack. As in these three amigos are more of the same.

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