Thursday, January 12, 2006

And Now A Word From Bubba

Lots of the links to American coverage about our election has been either the squawking from the American right or the latest trashing of Canada by the self depricating American media. that can't talk aobut us without of course refering to themselves.

Like when the Washington Post decided to notice the upcoming election in Canada. And the conclusion they come to? Why of course its all about them. We have no issues in Canada, this election is all about bashing the USA.
Canadian Politics Are All About America

While googling through the net I came across this Blog; Harper's Mews from the deep south in the US of A, written by a transplanted Yankee now living in Alabama.

Hey I have relatives there, so I thought I would give him a read. And well he has an interesting take on the Canadian election which I thought I would share with folks. Better anyways than Cavuto, Carlson or our own quizzling Frum. And certainly less whiny than the Washington Post. In fact he is positively a Canuckophile in comparison.

Harper's Mews

Centrist-to-moderate political commentary; personal thoughts; humor, ramblings and foolishness; public service as the need arises. Ranting and raving permitted, as long as it's reasoned. All decisions of the Editor are final.

An Election Looms -- in Canada

What worries me about the Canadian elections is that they may be turning slowly into American-style elections. In other words, elections complete with backbiting, negativity oozing from the pores, charges of extremism and cronyism, and a final result that nobody is really satisfied with except the party that wins the most power. I believe -- I want to believe -- that Canadian elections have been held on a higher plane than American politics has seen since, perhaps, the 1964 Johnson-Goldwater fight. It would be sad to think that a country much of the world looks to as a conscience and voice of reason begins descending to the level our politics have reached.

Of course, there may be truth to the accusations lodged against the Liberals; they have been in power for years, while the Conservatives have reorganized themselves since Brian Mulroney's time and fought to find a toehold that will bring them back to the majority on Parliament Hill. Patronage and corruption seems to have seeped in through their pores, if the first part of the Gomery report is any indication, and perhaps an electoral cleaning of clock is due, at least for one cycle. The question is: will the fighting of the election be clean, or as dirty as the politics that undermined the Liberals in the first place?

Canadian Elections 2 -- Same-Sex Marriage

Canadian Elections 3 -- Imperious Rex!!!

Canadian Elections 4 -- Defense


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