Friday, January 13, 2006

Canada and Quebec Two Tory Solitudes

Harper ended his platform speech this morning saying something different in French then English.

In French he called on "Canada and Quebec" to vote for the Conservatives, and only refered to Canadians in the English.

Federalists understand Quebec is a country, a nation within Canada, they just can't say it to us in English Canada, while appealing to the Quebecois they recognize this reality. Or maybe its cause he got the endorsement of the ADQ.

As Philippe Gohier says Harper is playing a dangerous game.

Harper’s support could very well be due to his appeal to both the soft-nationalist and soft-federalist vote. On the one hand, he is unequivocally defensive about Canada’s role in the province, but on the other, he is playing up the issues of fiscal imbalance and provincial jurisdiction, two issues dear to the nationalist heart.


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