Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Conservative Tax Plan Gets an F

According to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce report card on the parties and their platforms. Of course the social democratic parties the BQ and NDP get failing grades from Canada's voice of capitalism. On the other hand here is what they say about the Liberals and Conservatives tax plans. Liberals Fair, Conservatives Poor. Go sit in the corner Mr. Harper.

And several question marks dotted the report card, noting areas where the parties haven't yet fleshed out their full platforms.

Paul Martin's Liberals were graded "fair" for a fiscal plan that promises $30 billion in personal and corporate tax cuts over five years and has already implemented an increase of $500 in the basic personal exemption everyone gets before taxes kick in.

And as one of their last acts before the election was called, the Liberals reduced the lowest personal income tax rate to 15 per cent from 16 per cent.

However, the overall Liberal timetable for reductions is too slow for overtaxed Canadians, said the chamber.

But it's better than the Conservative program, which received a "poor" grade because leader Stephen Harper says he'd roll back the recent Liberal tax cuts and replace them with his own program based on a two percentage point cut to the GST.


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