Thursday, January 12, 2006

Cry Justice

Four years in jail without trial. A Canadian teenager is kept in the isolation hell that is America's illegal jail in Cuba. He has grown up in this hell hole. Yesterday he finally had his day in court. Khadr faces accusers Not a real court a military court.

This is America's enemy an acne scared Canadian teenager.

This is Canada's shame that he should have rotted there for this long with nary a word or protest by our government, he is after all a Canadian teenager. And as such would not have faced the same treatment here. Which of course is why he has been held illegally by the Americans. In order to get the big fish, his father and brothers. Its called blackmail.

And it is another exposure of the hypocrisy of the Canadian State security act and fetish for denying Canadians of arabic background or muslim religious beliefs their human rights. Some Canadians are more equal than others.

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