Saturday, January 07, 2006

Elsie Wayne Challenges Harper

Toronto Tory commented 'grow up' on my recent post; Conservatives Hidden Agenda Exposed.

Well a couple of days later and a millimetere taller here is what the MSM is reporting.

Tory firebrand Elsie Wayne back on national stage to fight same-sex marriage

Wayne says she is convinced a national referendum on the marriage question would produce overwhelming support for the traditional definition.

"We have a lot of people in this country who are for marriage being between a man and woman and nothing else," she says.

"The fact of the matter is that Paul Martin just listened to a few loudmouths on this issue. He hasn't listened to Canadians."

Wayne's controversial views on homosexuality often landed her in hot water when she was an MP and deputy leader of the Conservative Party.

She says Canadian society is founded on Christian values and there is no place in that value system for people who have made what she considers a lifestyle choice to live as gays and lesbians.

"If you want to live that lifestyle, go live it. But don't ask us to change marriage. Just shut up about it," she says, repeating comments she once made in the House of Commons.

And not to be left out Michael Coren the scion of the Catholic Right sez
Stand up for family values, Mr. Harper

And I said that the Conservatives are wide open to using the Free Vote and thus the Not Withstanding clause on a variety of issues of importance to their right wing base, including (despite thier convention resolution) abortion, the death penalty and Same Sex Marriage.

An article in the Toronto Star confirms that my scepticism of Harpers promise that 'he' won't use the Not Withstanding Clause, is hollow since he does not speak for the backbenchers that will bring forward private members bills on these issues.

Survey shows Conservative MPs will exert strong pressure on leader to change definition of same-sex marriage if they take power, say Jerome Black and Bruce Hicks

During the two leaders' debates, the issue of revisiting same-sex marriage was raised and Harper repeated his commitment to hold a free vote. He went on to say that he would not use the "notwithstanding clause" — the clause that allows Parliament to override the Charter of Rights and Freedoms — during the vote on "that issue."The implication is clear. Harper's promise to not use the notwithstanding clause is temporary. He will specifically not use it in the free vote to repeal same-sex marriage that will take place immediately following the election.How will MPs vote? When will Harper use the notwithstanding clause? An overwhelming number of Conservative candidates — 86 per cent — responded that Parliament should be able to override the courts. In fact, more Conservatives would support Parliament in overriding a court decision on the Charter than would vote for the repeal of same-sex marriage.
So what is likely to happen on same-sex marriage under a Conservative government?Based on the views of candidates, it seems likely that the Commons would repeal same-sex marriage.

Now who needs to grow up Mr. TO Tory?


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