Friday, January 13, 2006

Eyes Right

A good column from the U.S. with the startling headline, and not the usual, Canada bashes U.S. well ok one reference to the recent Jr. World Hockey Game....

Canada appears likely to take sharp turn right


VANCOUVER, B.C. -- Voters of British Columbia, a contentious lot, have thrown out of office a prime minister of Canada as well as three provincial premiers in the past 30 years.

The minor course changes for Congress dictated by American voters pale before the electoral tsunamis that occasionally sweep across the "Great White North." Here, a governing party can find itself reduced overnight to a tiny minority in Parliament.

Beset by scandals and infected with what an investigating judge called a "culture of entitlement," the long- ruling Liberal Party is tumbling in the polls as Canada prepares for a national election Jan. 23.

The predicted result -- victory for the opposition Conservative Party -- would bring joy to the White House and Fox News.


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