Sunday, January 22, 2006

Green Eggs and Hamas

So if Hamas wins the Palestinian election as it is predicted, will that mean Israel and the United States will feel justified in attacking the occupied territories for being a Terrorist State. And how will the pro-Israel lobby in Ottawa deal with a Palestinian Authority that is run by Hamas which they have declared a terrorist organization. Hmmmm.

Or will all the sturm and drang we have heard from the Bush Administration, the Pro-Israel lobby, and the Zionist Israeli state, be silenced as they realize that for peace to occur they have to deal with Hamas.
Mideast could take a radical new turn

They will be face to face with their self declared enemy, one that they created by failing to support Arafat or his successors and the Fatah movement. Now they are trying to make up for it, too little too late.
U.S. Funds Enter Fray In Palestinian Elections

Sharon is out of the picture, Hamas is in the spotlight. And a new round of Peace negotiations that was being contemplated by Sharon's Centerist political party is now on hold.
Israel on alert as Hamas leads poll

Ah the irony of such rough justice middle east style.


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