Thursday, January 05, 2006

Green Opportunism

The Green party in it's opportunism to get as much taxpayer funding as it can has parachuted candidates into Newfoundland Labrador. Despite the fact that they held a quicky delegates meeting in the first weeks of the election to push an anti-sealing motion through to put into their platform which lost them support of their members in Newfoundland.

Forced to run a full slate to get their share of public funds, they have no hope of making even a reasonable dent on the Rock but they will run front men and women to get their bucks out of us. Principled Party -Not.

By taking an anti sealing position, they are off the map in a riding like Avalon
which is wide open with the resignation of Jim Elford. But that's not their concern anyways. The Green Party Inc.theme song is Frank Zappa's We're only in it for the money.

The Green party has managed to field a full slate of candidates in Newfoundland and Labrador, but has had draw on out-of-province members to do it. Shannon Hillier, who is carrying the Green banner in Avalon riding, admits the party's stand against the seal hunt is an obstacle – at least in Newfoundland and Labrador. "Basically, it's an Ottawa decision," she said. Lori-Ann Martino, who ran for the Greens in 2004, said she could not endorse the party's stand on sealing."I think any Newfoundlander would look straight at [that] and be able to see that this party does not represent them," Martino said. "That's when I realized that this was strategic, and I was just a tool in a bigger political machine that was mostly aimed at Upper Canadians." every vote for the party brings $1.79 in federal funding that can be used to promote the Greens' environmental agenda.


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