Sunday, January 08, 2006

Kate/SDA Is Pro Union

Will wonders never cease? In this war of all against all, red in tooth and claw, anybody but the Liberals election, Kate from SDA on her CBC blog actually, said nice things about a union. About a labour union. You know those nasty left wing NDP supporting unions.

Though to give Kate the benefit of the doubt her blog article is not at all like Laurie Hawns recent conversion to working class struggle.

Laurie Hawn CPC candidate for Edmonton Centre who suddenly infused with the spirit of Joe Hill has rallied to the side of unionized Federal Corrections Officers. In his case it's not real solidarity, just election opportunism against his opponent, the Corrections Officers boss Anne McLellan.

Actually Kate's article is well stated As I have blogged during the Liberals rush to extend the ban on hand guns they conveniently forgot the border guards that they have left unarmed and under staffed. The latter is the real crux of the problem, and Kate recognizes that as well. And has the photos to show it to boot. It gives new meaning to the Liberal policy of open borders.

And just to really get her goat the only party that has called for increasing border patrols, and opposed the Liberal handgun ban has been, not the Conservatives but, the NDP.

Strengthen border controls – including arming customs officers at the border.

Nice to have Kate on the side of the Angels for once.


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