Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Leaders Debate Winner is....

According to today's National Post the loser in the English language debates is.....Duceppe, do I note a bias in English Canada here....I thought he did well......and the winner is......a tie.

Post-debate poll finds Harper wins, but barely
National Post, Canada

Published: Monday, January 09, 2006

MONTREAL -- An Ipsos Reid poll conducted for CanWest/Global News just minutes after the english language leaders debate has found voters were pretty evenly split between the three major party leaders.

Stephen Harper was the winner, but both Paul Martin and Jack Layton exceeded the expectations of people polled before the debate.

Finally, when asked after the debate who they thought sounded and acted most like a Prime Minister, Paul Martin was the winner. He was the choice of 43 per cent of respondents.
And the Calgary Sun agrees that it was a tie.

Still confused in Calgary

Local voter remains undecided in aftermath of vote gabfest

QUESTION: How would you rate the overall performances?

ANSWER: "Harper did a good job, but I think he could have been stronger on a couple of issues. He didn't do any blunders. Martin was a very competent debater, but knowing his government's record, I don't know why anyone would vote for him. Layton did a really good job, probably because he wasn't being attacked."

QUESTION: Who won?

ANSWER: "That's a good question. I don't think anyone won the debate per se. I thought Layton was a bit too scripted at points, but I thought they all did a really good job representing their parties."


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