Monday, January 09, 2006

Liberal Bombshell & Harper Lies

Wow just finished watching tonight's Leadership debate. Much better format, got to actually have some debate. Excellent moderator. Exciting to watch.

The Liberals are absolutely desperate, Paul Martin dropped a bombshell tonight announcing that he will bring in legislation to eliminate the Not Withstanding Clause from the Constitution. This was planned in the war room. Though I think Martin pulled the pin on this particular handgrenade too early and had to toss it into the fray early.
Jaws dropped, Harper sputtered and defended the status quo.

Duceppe great line of the night Martin runs like an NDP and governs like the Tories and he got Martin to say Fiscal Imbalance then he got Martin to admit that Quebec is a country.

Harper remembers something about the Conservative plan for the constitution and says if there is any Constitutional change he wants private property put in.

Duceppe and Layton tag teamed it tonight like the good old days of Stampede Wrestling. Beating up on both the Conservatives and Liberals alike.

Martin, Duceppe and Layton ask Harper for his list of leadership donors. Harper lies and says its public. Duceppe and Layton pipe up oh really when did that happen.

Layton stayed on message looked at the camera and said if you want change real change vote NDP.

Harper says that the lowest paid Canadians will get no Liberal tax cut, so his GST cut will help them. Martin reminds economist Harper that his government took hundreds of thousands off the tax roles. Harper says his tax cut will help them. Layton reminds him that his tax cut will hurt working poor and middle class still pay taxes. Harper can't give cost of his promises, and insists his roll back of the Liberal tax plan won't hurt average Canadian taxpayers. He lies again.

Tory tax plan worries some business leaders

Duceppe reminds viewers that when he raised Options Canada, $4.8 million dollar secret National Yes campaign slush fund for the 1995 referendum, in the house the Torys and Liberals defeated his motion. He says Options Canada is not a Liberal scandal but a Liberal, Tory, Federalist scandal. Uh oh.

New book on unity fund adds to Liberal woes

Harper defends supply side management and monopoly of agricultural products in Eastern Canada and Quebec but says he wants to get rid of the Wheat Board and replace it with two tier market model. Wheat Board and open borders.

Harper smiles and looks into the camera. Harper actually smiles not grimaces.

Martin looks like death warmed over.

Layton has a winning smile looks into the camera and talks to viewers.

Duceppe smirks.

Leaders bring grim game face into English debate

Martin, Layton, talk about the 'working class' in Canada. Let me repeat that, no not working families or working Canadians, both Martin and Layton say working class Canadians. Martin says it first. Buzz must be rubbing off on him.

Duceppe in the background 'answer the question' he says repeatedly until Martin says yes he has always said Quebec is a nation.

Harper says he can work with anybody if he is the government. Won't say if he thinks he will be a majority or minority government.

Layton says he can work with whoever is government, outlines his program, five points, repeats it several times. Calls for a vote for the NDP for change.

Harper praises Ed Broadbents NDP plans for electoral reform says they dovetail with his.

Layton hits everyone on supporting his better balanced budget, clarifies that it was the NDP budget not the Liberal budget last summer that passed and Harper and Duceppe opposed it.

Layton doesn't worry about Quebec being a country he says he wants a flexible confederation and get Quebec to sign the Constitution.

Tonights winner, a tie, the tag team of Duceppe and Layton.

Loser Harper, no big hit on Martin, almost looked prime ministerial, took body blow, lied.

Bigger Loser Martin, looks punch drunk, challeged Duceppe and got beat up.

But pulled constitutional rabbit out of the hat which will be THE news story tonight and tomorrow.
Martin vows to end federal notwithstanding clause


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