Thursday, January 12, 2006

Liberals Endorse Polygamy

Aha now we know the real reason Paul Martin wants to get rid of the Not Withstanding Clause....Study says Canada should legalize polygamy

"The first act of a new Liberal government is going to be to strengthen the Charter, and we will do that by removing, by constitutional means, the possibility for the federal government to use the notwithstanding clause, because quite simply, I think governance says that the courts shouldn't be overturned by politicians," Liberal Leader Paul Martin said during Monday night's English-language debate.
The message: Unlike the Conservatives, the Liberals would quickly pass a law to protect minority rights and remove Parliament's ability to override Supreme Court rulings that favour people like gays and lesbians, immigrants and minority linguistic groups.

The Liberals attacked Harper about his right wing friends, cause they know he will use the Not Withstanding Clause.....

Liberals battling to remain in power accused Conservative leader Stephen Harper on Thursday of supporting an extremist group that equates gays with pedophiles and assails same-sex marriage.
In a press release Thursday the Liberal Party attacks Harper for speaking at a large fundraising dinner in Richmond, British Columbia last March for the Canadian Alliance for Social Justice and Family Values Association.

The Canadian Alliance for Social Justice and Family Values Association, made up mainly of Chinese Canadians, has a long history of extremist views.

In 2003 it lobbied against the inclusion of sexual orientation under hate crimes laws by hosting a booth at the Pacific National Exhibition that featured a banner reading (in Chinese): “Protect freedom of speech. You must not support C-250 or you cannot publicly criticize child molestation, necrophilia, self-mutilation or torture, polygamy or unnatural sexual behavior.”

The Liberals also note that Conservative Justice Critic Vic Toews, who has led the attack for Harper in calling for the same-sex marriage law to be reopened, received an achievement award from the group. Toews also praised the group's efforts in the House of Commons, saying “Canadians across the country are grateful for its efforts.”


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