Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Liberals Opposed To Gay Marriage

A public service of Blogging Tory Rempelia Prime is a list of Liberals MP's running for re-election that would vote against gay marriage.

Repealing gay marriage, or Liberal MPs we hope will be re-elected

Martin likes to wear the Mantel of 'Progressive', and then the mantel of the Liberal 'Big Tent' but you can't have it both ways. Of course if he got rid of the Not Withstanding Clause he would solve his internal problem of his MP's voting to repeal Same Sex Marriage.

Which makes this another good reason forreal Progressives to vote NDP, who will not vote to repeal gay marriarge. Or a woman's right to choose. Or Kyoto. Or the Kelowna Accord. Or the Daycare deal with the provinces. There that should cover it.


1 comment:

  1. Oh that is completely ridiculous as incest, polygamy etc. are covered under the criminal code. As for the majority ruling over incest that is excatly why it is law, a moral and social teaching which is the prevelant view of society. The very definition of law. Which is why your whole arguement is falacious at best and just plain old bigotry at worst.
