Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A Note To Quebec Voters

If you love Jean Charest you will love Stephen Harper. Remember once a Tory always a Tory.

Why Harper win won't faze Charest

Charest imposes contract on public sector workers

Charest's first two years as premier were marked by stiff and vocal opposition to his policies by Quebec labour unions. The antagonism and negativity shared between his government and public sector employees, as well as his failure so far to cut taxes as promised, has left Charest sharply unpopular amongst the general public. Many have suggested, however, that Charest may make a run for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada should current leader Stephen Harper falter in the federal election in January 2006.

Charest says he knew nothing about Option Canada

Published: Tuesday, January 10, 2006

QUEBEC - Premier Jean Charest says he knew nothing about the creation of the little-known federalist group Option Canada during the 1995 referendum campaign.

He was leader of the federal Tories at the time of Quebec's sovereignty referendum and participated in the No side's campaign.

Charest said he and others named in a book about Option Canada's existence and spending
habits during the referendum are being unfairly targeted. Referendum book ignites firestorm

Gadzooks that sounds just like the Liberals excuses for the Income Trust leak.


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