Thursday, January 12, 2006

Orchard Supports Axeworthy

The Reform Alliance members of the Conservative Party always suspected that Canadian Nationalist Progressive David Orchard was really NDP lite. This proves their point, but does not mean that he isn't a Red Tory, which is also NDP lite.

David Orchard. A Liberal. In Saskatoon. I'm not making this up.writes Calgary Grit.

And it does not absolve the Conservatives of the $70,000 they still owe him. Which as theylike to say, 'is dirty money', that they are using in their campaign

Well yes he is supporting 'Liberal' candidate Chris Axeworthy. Axeworthy who was on the right wing of the NDP and a former NDP MP split with the party over the debate on the Third Way. He wanted the party to move to the centre ala Blairs New Labour. So there you have it. Essentially the right wing of the NDP has been home to Liberals and Progressive Conservatives. Under Layton they should feel at home once again after the Liberals lose this election.


1 comment:

  1. I would take what Orchard has to say with a grain of salt. Orchard ran for the Conservative Party and lost..... after that he suddenly had a change of heart and found out he was actually against the party all along.
