Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Private Property=Child Labour

Herr Professor Marx would be proud. Tonight in the French language Leadership Debate in closing remarks about the Not Withstanding Clause, Paul Martin denounced private property, rights being enshrined in the Constituion, saying it would lead to Child Labour in Canada. No seriously that's what he said .



  1. Paul Martin claims Stephen Harper would take Canada to the right, the american extreme right.

    Well, Comrade Paul, I would rather go that way than your way, which would have Canada going in the direction of the extreme left, The Chinese version of extreme left.

    The choices are...Harper american right...
    or Martin Chinese left...

    Choose your Canada....!

  2. Nope you missed one, the real choice for working class Canadians is neither of these but the NDP, but thanks for clarifying the issue for us.
