Sunday, January 08, 2006

Someone Should Tell Warren

Warren Kinsella insisted early on in this election campaign, well bitched and moaned actually, that Canadian political blogs have little or no impact. He compared our humble blogosphere with the American one that led to the outting of Dan Rather and le affaire Trent Lott.

Except that the American blogosphere is populated by more journalist bloggers, an extension of the MSM and politcal operatives of the two politcal parties that dominate America. Also America has a larger population than Canada and finally most Canadian political bloggers really got started between the last Federal election and this one.

So for all Warren's groaning early on in the campaign about how little influence Canadian political blogs had, all that has changed and he seems relatively quiet about how ineffectual we are. After Klander and Stamp, Income Trusts, etc. etc.
Or it could be because he got that nice new election blog job at Macleans with his pal Paul Wells.

As I said in my critique of Warrens blog pessimism, since the begining of the election the blogosphere has done exactly what Warren said it wasn't doing, influencing stories in the MSM and the election. As this article shows;
Weblogs make difference in campaigns


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