Monday, January 02, 2006

Stephen Levesque? Rene Harper?

While blog discussions have been full of debates on Alberta Seperatism in the wake of Gordon Stamps firing, it makes sense that fueled as the Conservatives are with Western Alienation and indignation, that the Harper should do what Lougheed and Klein have done for years, encourage Quebec seperatism when in Quebec and bash Quebec 'special' interests when in Alberta.

Here is a perfect example of what Conservative federalism really means.

Coming into Quebec, getting some French press, and speaking, as Mr. Harper does, about how he is the heir to Rene Levesque when it comes to cleaning up government and election finance laws gives the Conservatives the kind of legitimacy in this province they lacked during Stockwell Day's leadership.

Gee wasn't that Rene Levesque guy head of the PQ? Notice he doesn't compare himself to Brian Mulroney another Quebecer.

And the Conservative answer to Liberal Federalism is of course Asymetrical Federalism;

Harper made the following promises:

  • To end the "fiscal imbalance" between Ottawa and Quebec,
  • To allow Quebec to play a role in international institutions like UNESCO when its cultural responsibilities are at issue, and
  • To practice "open federalism" that recognizes provincial autonomy plus "the special cultural and institutional responsibilities of the Quebec government."
Can you say Firewall Quebec?


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