Sunday, January 15, 2006

Too Little Too Late

An Anybody But Harper coalition has formed in the final days before the election. Think Twice coalition

Well what's there to think about if you don't want to vote for Harper then vote NDP. Which as usual these third party campaigns fail to come out and say. Of course when you have Buzz Hargrove as member then its kinda hard to say that. Since he is Mr. Liberal. Well folks this shows once again the failure of the Left in Canada when it stumps in elections around single issues.

The Council of Canadians, as I reported here earlier, which is a member of this coalition, is running a warm touchy feely save Medicare campaign, which could mean vote Liberal or NDP.

The Canadian Labour Congress, is saying the same thing about workers issues.Vote for the best party. But they ARE NOT endorsing the party they created the NDP.

Only Buzz says vote Liberal then maybe NDP. And many of these groups support the NDP but heaven forbid they appear partisan. Well its an election and if you are'nt partisan now when will you be?

The Liberals are corrupt they ARE NOT AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE CONSERVATIVES. They are Conservative Lite, they are neo-liberals. After Mulroney we got Chretien. We got NAFTA and the GST. No change there.

The only alternative is the NDP. And these concerned Canadians can't come out and say it. So their third party campaign is USELESS.

Late and useless. If they are concerned about the Conservatives then the ONLY ALTERNATIVE is MORE NEW DEMOCRATS. A minority government under Harper will have to rely on the modifying influence of the NDP and the BQ to get any legislation passed. A vote for the Liberals is a vote for Her Majesties Loyal Opposition who will be impotent in the house.

A tip o' the blog to CathiefromCanada for this. Check out her comments on this too. A good read.


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