Monday, January 16, 2006

The Tories Big Lie

Not surprizing but the mouthpiece from the Conference Board of Canada hired by the Conservatives to approve their budget now says the Tories lied to him. Economist washes hands of new Tory agenda

Economist Wasn't Given All of Tory Platform

This looks bad for Corporate Canada which funds and supports the CBC, no not the CBC the Confernce Board. Conference Board clarifies remarks on transfer payments
All the tax breaks the Tories have announced have been for them and them alone. And the Tories lied to cover it up. Of course Corporate Canada doesn't care that the Conservatives lied. They are rubbing their hands in glee at what good things are in store for them should Harper be PM.

Canadian business leaders, who have typically favoured the economic policies of the Conservative Party, but not necessarily its leaders, are now expressing significant confidence in Stephen Harper's ability to lead the country as prime minister, a new poll suggests.

A Web-based survey of Canadian business executives conducted for the Financial Post by COMPAS Inc. shows voter support for Mr. Harper's Conservatives is not only increasing, but a majority of respondents -- 72% -- now also believe a Conservative majority government led by Mr. Harper would have a decidedly positive impact on the economy.

The 1% GST cut and the Child Tax Credit, well thats for us. And that is what is going to cost the most. It will mean all the tax cuts promised by the Liberals pre election and going into effect now will be cut back and it may mean a deficit budget if all the Conservative promises are actually finally costed.

Voodoo economics -- not my words, Bob Fife's

Read His Lips -- No Social Program Cuts

So I guess we should believe Monte Solberg when he says the Conservatives still have yet to announce their final, final, absolutely final, costed platform. Well we are waiting whats the cost going to be Monte? Got your abacus ready?

Conservative finance critic Monte Solberg
said last night the Tories did not put a price tag on fixing the fiscal imbalance because that remains to be worked out in deals with premiers.

Guess this is what happens when you release your platform and its costs on Friday the 13th.

So I wonder if the Edmonton Sun wants to take back this editorial.
EDITORIAL: Solid Tory platform Nah probably not, never let the facts get in the way of ideology.

Lots of comments on this at Progressive Bloggers.

Also see
The Corporate Friends of Mr.Harper


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