Friday, January 13, 2006

Two Faced Harper

Harper has just announced the Conservative Platform. Including a series of broken promises. Promises made during the last sitting of the house, when the Conservative party promised to support Liberal policy and spending announcements in an orgy of me too politics. Harper not bound by Liberal initiatives

Now he is saying they will renege on tax breaks, aboriginal funding, daycare funding all ready negotiated with the provinces, the Kyoto accord, and will reintroduce a motion to support the American missle defense plan.

But after many promises to cost their platform, wait till we release our platform said Monte Solberg earlier this week, they still have NOT given Canadians the cost of their program.

In a lock up of selected reporters this morning, imitating a government budget release, Monte Solberg their point man in finance could not give a straight answer on costing their promises. Is it $60.5 billion or $90.billion. Last week it was either going to be $32 billion or $49 billion, or even $52 billion. However you cut it they still have not figured out how to use an abacus or a calculator.

"Voodoo economics" - Bob Fife

"It turns out that their total promises for the Conservative Party adds up to $75 billion. When there is reallocation we are told it is $60.7 billion. But this took about an hour or so of discussions and adding up to get to this figure of about $67 billion. Total tax measures are about 44.9 billion. Other spending initiatives I don't want to go there because it was so confusing even Monte Solberg the conservative finance critic did not explain that to us."

Journalists try to get their heads around the Conservative numbers following 'lock up' on Friday.

Journalists try to get their heads around the Conservative numbers following 'lock up' on Friday.

In the Conservative platform, the party says Canadians can expect $30 billion in new spending over the next five years, alongside $45 billion in previously-announced tax breaks.

The one new tax break pledged by Harper is to eliminate the capital-gains tax for individuals and companies who reinvest the money within six months.

Conservatives would spend $171.6 billion in the next fiscal year -- $1 billion less than Harper said the Liberals would spend.

And after five years, federal spending would climb to $198.8 billion, about $7 billion less than the projected Liberal platform, he said.

The Tory's really don't have a hidden agenda, they have a blatant agenda, which takes money from already promised deals to pay for their pig in a poke promises. This is a platform that is financed with your own money twice. And we still don't know how much it will cost!


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