Saturday, January 14, 2006

Voting for Capitalism On January 23

As Marx said the State is the Executive Branch of Capitalism. Even so called workers parties, are merely the window dressing to ameliorate the worst excesses of capitalism. So lets look at the reality of our Canadian Executive Branch.

The Liberals are State Capitalists, firm believers in the nanny state and giving grants to friends and supporters. They are a centralist party which stands anarchist (Proudhonian) federalism on its head thanks to good old philosopher King PET. Socially they believe in liberalism, allowing the individual social freedoms. The would be considered Libertarian by American standards, if American politicos had standards. They believe the state should fund programs, and business and that with that folks who get their money from the Liberals should be grateful next election.

The Conservatives are Corporate Monopoly State Capitalists, they save their biggest cash handouts to the corporate elites, the Bay St. Boys and the Fraser Institute Board of Directors. While crying for Freedom, they neither believe in a truly free market nor a free society. They believe that the bigger the business the better. They believe the state should fund private capitalism. And they have Reformed over the last ten years, with a strong base of social conservativism which denies liberty. While proclaiming the mantel of Libertarianism, when it comes to gun ownership, they deny choice and liberty on issues like marijuana, sex and abortion. They believe that you should keep all you earn, I'm alright Jack, and please give a tithe to the church of your choice. They are the party of shop keeper's and the self employed like their hero; Ebenezer Scrooge.

The New Democrats and Bloc Quebecois are Social Capitalists, not quite socialist, nor even democratic socialists, these classic liberals are Social Democrats. They believe the State should level the playing field for individuals and business. That a market economy is a mixed economy. That rules and regulations are required for Order and Good Government. They can be liberal on social and personal issues or be intrusive, they support a woman's right to choose, but want to ban guns and smoking. They see the role of the state as making capitalism work as an investment in society, they believe in real shareholder democracy, at the parliamentary level and in the financial sector. They believe in taxation as a way of spreading social wealth around as a social investment.

The Green Party is a liberal party that also believes in Social Capitalism, promoting business that is green to make green. They would tax big business as polluters and regulate social change in the business community to get them to realize that they are wasteful in production, distribution and consumption. They hate smoke stack industries as wasteful, and Newfies as seal killers. They would again promote a shareholder democracy and would be open to more democratic workplaces. They admire faux fur and believe bicycles should be mass transit.

So on January 23 vote for the party that you believe will best act as the executive branch of capitalism.

But have no illusions that any of these will ever change essential nature of capitalist society. That would take a social revolution.

You may think you are voting for Change, but all you are doing is changing managers.

This has been brought to you courtesy of the letter @ for anarchy.


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