Friday, January 06, 2006

War is Peace, Security is Freedom

Matt Welch associate editor at Reason magazine has a new quiz online for Republicans, and in Canada; Conservatives, who claim to be Libertarians.

The Pro-war Libertarian Quiz: How far are you willing to go to win the War on Terror? (January 5)

I look forward to hearing how the Blogging Tory's who support the War in Iraq answer this one. Especially those RightWhingNutBars like Cannucklestan who have all the American patriotic militarist links on their sites. Go ahead answer the quiz.

As Matt say's; My belief, crudely summarized, is not only that you do not need to imitate totalitarians to beat them, but that it doesn't actually help. I'd love to know where my pro-war friends draw the line. I'd love to know.

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