Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Werner Patels is a Blog Stalker

The sick twisted multipleblog personality that is Calgary Observer, Alberta Avenue, etc. et al aka Werner Patels has really done it this time. Instead of keeping his comments about me to my comments section or to his own personal blog he has decided to email folks and let them know his opinion of me.

This is harassment and stalking and is unacceptable.

He has been dropped from the Progressive Bloggers list, but is still on other lists such as Canada Conversation. He should be dropped from any lists he is on since he insists on violating my rights by harassing folks I know.

In a comment to my blog article about one of his Alberta Avenue posts he wrote;
Anyway, I will be contacting all the organizations you mention in your banner and let them know what sort of idiot you really are. Let's see if they still want anything to do with you.

I took this with a grain of salt since he also threatened to sue me. Since he published information that was incorrect in his comment I removed it. To which I responded with this.

Since he has decided to go above and beyond the bounds of what I consider fair comment about me on his blog, which he is entitled to as I am on mine, by making personal attacks on me to associations and associates of mine then I feel justified in asking for the blogosphere to censor Herr Patels as a serial harasser and stalker.

Since you could be next if he decides he doesn't like you. Poor deluded sick puppy that he is.



  1. Since Werner seems to be acting up again, I figure that I'd like to have my site back up (An Eye on Werner - wernerpatels.blogspot.com). This fellow just can't seem to behave like a normal adult. It wouldn't surprise me to find out he's actually just some goofy teenager.

    Has he called your neighbours yet? Because I'm sure he will.

  2. As an additional thought, the people mentioned in your header are William Burroughs, Bugs Bunny, and Dr. Karl Marx. Let's hope he hasn't contacted Bugs. Bugs could come down hard on you for being the "sort of idiot you really are". The others should be ok, though.
