Thursday, February 02, 2006

Another Catholic Child Molester

It's all about the unnatural practice of modern Catholic celibacy and the seperation of the sexes into male and female only facilities.

The encyclical on celibacy is modern, while the practice actually originated in the Gnostic heresies of the dark ages. Through out history the Catholic church allowed for married priests, even the pope was married, of course he was a Borgia.

Celibacy coincides with the enclyclical that the Pope is infallible. The practice in of celibacy and its resulting in abuse has certainly turned out to prove that wrong.

Ex-Vatican official wanted on Ontario sex charges
Globe and Mail - 10 hours ago
By GREG MCARTHUR. Ontario Provincial Police have issued a warrant for the arrest of a retired Vatican official, a Canadian, who was close with Pope John Paul II and is now wanted on sex abuse charges. Monsignor ...
OPP charges Vatican official with sexual assault
Retired Vatican official accused of molesting altar boys in ... CBC Saskatchewan
CBC Ottawa - 580 CFRA Radio - Ottawa Citizen - - all 7 related »
It is not about sex but about power that the priest has over the lay person. Whether it is a child or women, as there have been many cases of sexual abuse with women in the church as there have been with former altar boys.

While celibacy is un-natural, it is the power of the priesthood that allows them to abuse those who are in their care. The abuse of children, is the power over by the priest taking advantage of his position of 'authority'. And clearly this priest was imbued with the authority of the Vatican.

Also see:
Christianity Is Child Abuse


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for trolling PR. I didn't convict him of anything...I merely posted the news stories, and last time I checked the police were trying to find his hideout in the safety of the Vatican. It is the Catholic church that convicts itself by hiding its priests in the cloisters safe frorm secular prosecution.
