Friday, February 24, 2006

Canada Out of Afghanistan

A new poll shows that Canadians who have not been consulted on our troops going to Afghanistan are opposed to further excursions by our military to do America's dirty work.

I like this headline from Reuters
Poll shows Canadians oppose Afghanistan mission which is far stronger than this whimpy one from CTV
Most Cdns. uneasy about Afghan mission: poll

America's invasion of Afghanistan was a detour on the way to Iraq. It was an after thought, as quick as they got in they got out. Rolling on to Bhagdad their real objective, cause Georgie Porgie was gonna kick some Saddam ass for threatening his daddy.

But in spite of Canadian opposition to our continued involvement in Afghanistan, the Harpocrite government in Ottawa is going to continue to put our troops in harms way. Without any democratic debate in the Parliment. Just doing what the Liberals did.
Feds pledge Afghan commitment, NORAD expansion

And why are we doing this, Gordon O'Connor Defense Industry Lobbyist and Minister of Defense tells his Defense Industry pals yesterday;

Where Are We Now? Staying the Course in Afghanistan

Two weeks ago, I attended my first NATO Ministerial Meeting. I told my Alliance counterparts that Canada remains committed to NATO and that we'll be a strong and engaged partner, particularly in Afghanistan.

We've never been a nation that shies away from its responsibilities. We will shoulder the burden. We will stay the course in Afghanistan.

Together with troops from other countries, the Canadian Forces are making a real impact in Afghanistan. All over the country, buildings are being rebuilt. Refugees are returning home. Marketplaces are bustling. And little girls once again attend schools.

Yep little girls get to go to school in newly liberated Afghanistan still dressed like this.

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1 comment:

  1. For the record, I know people in Toronto who dress like that. Students at U of T. That's their choice, and I support that.

    If you have evidence these women are being forced to dress like this against their will, you should contact Afghani authorities. Of course, you can do the same if we pull out, but then you'll be talking to the Taliban... and I doubt they'll take your call. You may have thought that freedom would mean that all Afgahnis would start dressing and acting like us, but I didn't.

    But feel free to believe that things will get better if only we'd just get out of the way and let the Taliban and al Qaeda take over again. I'm not so naive. Things may not be perfect in Afghanistan, but that's EXACTLY the argument for us to get MORE involved, and be MORE forceful in driving the remnants of the Taliban out of the country, not simply pulling out and letting them stroll back into town from the hills. That's just lunacy.
