Friday, February 10, 2006

Emerson another Grewal

Oh dear here comes the ghost of Grewal to haunt the Tories even after he is gone. In this case he and Emerson share so many commonalities, both from Vancouver, both offered cabinet positions, both lacking in ethics. Do I smell a byelection?

Emerson accused of violating Parliament's conflict code

Ian Waddell, the New Democratic Party candidate who came a close second to Emerson in the Jan. 23 election, accused Harper, Emerson and John Reynolds, the just-retired Conservative MP who allegedly helped recruit Emerson to the Tories, of breaking the parliamentary conflict-of-interest code.

He said the ethics commissioner has ruled that had former Liberal cabinet minister Ujjal Dosanjh offered former Conservative MP Gurmant Grewal a government appointment to induce him to cross the floor, then Dosanjh would have broken the guidelines.

"This is precisely what the prime minister has done. I'm accusing him of breaking the members' code. The evidence is overwhelming. They offered him a cabinet post and he took it. When such things have happened in the past it's been hidden, but this is so blatant," said Waddell.

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