Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Prophet of Death

For all those liberals who have blogged that we should understand Islam as a religion of peace and understanding, one that is tolerant and blah, blah, blah I submit for your consideration these two items.

Do Dogs Have More Love For The Messenger Of Allah Than Do Muslims?
Feb 07, 2006

As the Muslim world erupts over the blatant act of ridicule and blasphemy by European newspapers against the Prophet (pbuh), Islamic history scholar Abu Haitham Al-Hijazee turns to the times past for answers and weighs in on this latest attack on Islam.

Reviling and insulting Allah or His messenger is very serious offense that carries the death penalty. If such offense is committed by a Muslim, he becomes an apostate because of it and his blood becomes lawful immediately and no apology or repentance is accepted from him. The verdict of Allah is very clear.

Two killed as Afghans stage new protests over cartoons

State Religions, organized religion that carries with it the power of the State and is the State is the very enemy of freedom. All monothiestic religons are by their nature state religions, they have come into existance by the suppresion of peoples spiritual beliefs, rites and customs. They justify intolerance, torture and death of those who opposed them. They have grown by the forced conversion of peoples. All will be assimilated. Those who oppose religious tyranny cannot defend Islam in the name of freedom of religion.

Anarchists demand freedom from religion. No God! No Master! is our watchword.
"Ni dieu ni maître!"--Neither God nor master!--is a phrase coined by the socialist Auguste Blanqui in 1880, when he published a journal by that name. It became an anarchist slogan.

Religion is Tyranny.

Nature created neither servants nor masters. I want neither to rule nor to be ruled.
La Nature n‘a fait ni serviteurs ni maîtres, je ne veux donner ni recevoir d‘ordres.

In this I find myself once again agreeing with Christopher Hitchens. Who has mocked religion on more than one occasion himself. Truth is blasphemous. Blasphemy is truth.

Also see:

Looney Toons

Blasphemy is in the Eye of the Beholder

Ibn Khaldun 14th Century Arab Libertarian

Jewish Anti-Zionism

The Need for Arab Anarchism

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