Saturday, February 11, 2006

State Controlled Day Care

William Stairs propaganda oberfuerher for the Harper Regime in Ottawa denounced State Controled Day Care, on Don Newmans Poltics the other day. WTF is State Controled day care in Canada?

Is he refering to the fact that the Liberals gave provinces funds for their daycare portfolios, which are a hodge podge of programs across Canada. Which is why Harper can offer Quebec a special deal while telling the rest of the provinces to expect funding cuts.
Harper offers Quebec 'extension' on child-care

Premiers want old child-care deals upheld

For instance Alberta has the lowest number of non-profit publicly funded daycares than any other province in Canada. We have more baba's babysitting and a huge private for profit day care industry that benefits from child tax credits.

Heather Forsyth, Alberta's minister for children's services, said she wanted to hear details, adding she had not yet heard from Harper. "We need to know his plan versus our plan," said Forsyth. "We need to know when his money is kicking in and when we're losing our money so that we can start talking to Albertans and getting them ready for the changes."

Oh thats ominous isn't it. What changes? Less spaces? Wage roll backs? Job cuts for day care workers? Who knows what impact the Harper plan will have?

When Oberfuerher Stairs denounces the mythical State controled daycare he must be refering to Israel, not Canada.

But he is not alone in creating mythical beasts to slay. Other Tory apologists in the blogosphere and columnists in the MSM also claim that the Liberal funding did not create any more daycare spaces. Well that also is a lie.

Day-care workers, parents eye future of federal funding

"If we don't have that money, we're going to have to look at what kind of cuts we can make, and that would jeopardize the quality of the programs for the kids we have in the program," she said.Many day-care centres have already received their share of this year's money, and have used the extra funds to boost pay and create more spaces. Now, the centres' managers are left wondering if they'll be able to continue to afford the pay raises and new programming. The money Winnipeg's Beaumont Day Care has received so far has paid for wage increases for staff and 15 new spaces for children. Director Jen Grove says she will refuse to cut back on wages, but she worries that other areas may suffer if the Tories don't honour the Liberal agreement. Vince Stycke, who has a child in day care, worries that it will be impossible to keep quality staff if the recent wage increases are rolled back. "As a parent, we just want to know that if we are leaving our children, that they are being looked after, and the people that are doing that are treating them well, are educated and engaged in their profession," he said. "I just don't know if that's possible if we cut back the pay."Across the province, the new federal money was expected to fund more than 3,000 new day-care spaces; hundreds of them are already in place.

Yep the Tories and their syncophants are practicing Herr Goebels Big Lie on the Day Care issue. So beware of Tories talking about State Controled Day Care. No such creature exists in Canada.

Now on the other hand State Funding for Day Care does exist. And the Tories day care plan is also State Funding for day care, just not direct funding to public non profit day care centres. Which last time I checked were not State controled and were classic liberal capitalist enterprizes for the public good.

For My Day Care Stories Go Here:

Day Care

Defend Public Day Care

Also See:

The Tories Big Lie

Two Tier Alberta


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