Friday, February 10, 2006

Wheat Board Scandal

No not the Canadian Wheat Board, which despite the Tories promise to dismantle or neuter it remains a producer run supplier monopoly which is not a bad thing compared to private monopolies. .The Attitude of Anarchism Toward Industrial Combinations

This is a case of a private monopoly, which of course is worse, in that it is not responbilbe to anyone. In Australia. Dealing with Saddam Hussien.

AWB head quits over Iraq kickback probe

AWB's share price has fallen about 30 per cent since the inquiry into its conduct under the UN oil-for-food programme began three weeks ago.

The publicly listed monopoly could face a legal challenge from its shareholders, according to a Melbourne-based law firm.

Maurice Blackburn Cashman said it was preparing a shareholder class action that would claim AWB breached its requirement of continuous disclosure.

In 2003 the firm obtained A$97m for the shareholders of reinsurer GIO, now a subsidiary of AMP, in Australia's largest class action.

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