Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bush Beats Harper to Afghanistan

So maybe this is what the private conversation Harper and Bush had, who would go to Afghanistan first.

Bush in surprise visit to Afghanistan

The US president is visiting Afghanistan at a time when the country is still troubled by a stubborn Taliban insurgency that has claimed 1500 lives since the start of last year, including dozens of US soldiers.

So why is the Harper going to Afghanistan PM eyes Afghan sojourn when Canadians are opposed to this takeover of Kandahar by Canadian Troops doing America's dirty work. Canadian commands coalition troops in Kandahar; new blast underlines danger

If you accept the fact that our forces in military uniform are involved in something that is vital, and you accept the idea that the majority of Canadians don't support this mission, do you think it is necessary for the prime minister to emerge from hiding and tell us why we are committing blood and treasure in the sand and rock of Afghanistan?

Now it's true that Stephen Harper has been thinking about going to Afghanistan next week. That would be a great photo-op for him and perhaps a morale muffin for the troops. But it will take more than a photo-op of the young prime minister saluting our forces in the field to get Canadians on board. Harper AWOL on Afghan mission

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