Friday, March 24, 2006

Don't Forget About This Guy

In all the sturm and drang in the Canadian blogosphere over the Afghanistan mullahs Sharia law that will see a man put to death because he dared to convert to Christianity, this little item keeps getting overlooked:

AFGHANISTAN: Editor goes on trial for blasphemy

New York, October 11, 2005—
The editor of a monthly magazine about women's rights went on trial today in Kabul's provincial court on blasphemy charges for publishing articles purported to offend Islam.

Editor Ali Mohaqiq Nasab gets two years in prison for blasphemy

Reporters Without Borders today called on President Hamid Karzai to intercede after a Kabul court sentenced Ali Mohaqiq Nasab, the editor of the monthly publication Haqoq-e-Zan (Women’s Rights), to two years in prison at the end of a summary trial on blasphemy charges on 22 October.

“A journalist has been given a stiff prison sentence for a press offence in violation of international treaties signed by Afghanistan,” the press freedom organisation said. “It is extremely disturbing to see a man sentenced to prison simply for reprinting articles condemning such archaic practices as stoning and corporal punishments.”

Reporters Without Borders added : “President Karzai must intercede to obtain Nasab’s release and have this miscarriage of justice corrected.”

Nasab was prosecuted for reprinting articles by an Iranian scholar criticising the stoning of Muslims who convert to another religion and the use of corporal punishment for persons accused of such offences as adultery.

And what was that some Pro-War bloggers were saying about our Troops being in Afghanistan to protect women's rights? What rights? Afghanistan is ruled by Islamic Sharia law you idiots. Its a Theocratic state, with or without the Taliban.


Here is a report on another pending death sentence in Kabul, that centre of democracy in Afghanistan, American style. In Canada we do not have capital punishment, but our troops are defending that 'democratic right' of the state to murder people over in Afghanistan. Courtesy of Blogistan, a great compilation of news from and about Afghanistan.

Fate of ex-intelligence chief
The former intelligence chief and deputy prime minister of the communist government, Asadullah Sarwary, was sentenced to death by a court in Kabul 11 days ago. Asadullah Sarwary was arrested in 1992 and spent nearly 14 years in prison without trial and the punishment that was given by the Kabul court was a completely unjust judgment because the court was not able to provide any strong document that shows the involvement of Asadullah Sarwary in killings of people. Only 16 people who missed their relatives during the communist government attended the court and gave testimony that their relatives or family members went missing during the communist government in 1979. In my opinion this was not a good judgment by the Kabul court and they took this decision so quick with out any investigation to prove if claims were true and the court was running like the courts during the Taliban regime where they were making decisions by their own choice. According to the news reports, no defense lawyers were ready to fight Mr Sarwary's case. But these reports were wrong because the defense lawyers were receiving threats from high Jihadi officials in the current government, so therefore Mr Sarwary was defending himself.

It's so sad when the many criminals in high government posts are not being prosecuted - people who destroyed 70% of the capital Kabul and killed more than 70 thousand people just in Kabul from 1992-1996. Every single one of these Jihadi commanders were acting as a king in their area. Looting and killing was done on a daily basis. But now some of them are in the current government and parliament and they are not being prosecuted. People are scared to appeal against them but if the government put these criminals in jail and bring them to justice of course thousands of people will be eyewitnesses of their inhuman crimes. It is clear to everyone that all governments have their opponent. Like the Mujahideen were against the communist government which ran the country from 1979-1992. During this time people killed from both sides and its wrong to stand a former intelligence chief responsible for crimes carried out by others. Mr Sarwary was the intelligence chief for only 6 months and the job of intelligence chief is to investigate not to kill and after investigation if the person was found to be guilty, the intelligence department introduces the case to the ministry of interior and then the ministry of interior takes action against them. Or if any prisoners die in prison that is the responsibility of the Interior Minster and prison commander, not the intelligence chief.

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