Saturday, March 04, 2006

I'll Be Right Back

How gullible can ya get? Fugitive dad leaves sick son on dialysis And of course this guy is white. If he had been Afro-American this would never have happened. Cause Afro-Americans and Latinos face more three strikes laws than white Americans. This reminds me of another fugitive who walked out of a Texas jail. And he was white too.

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky (CNN) -- A Kentucky prisoner who duped authorities and his family into believing he intended to donate a kidney to his ailing son may have escaped to Mexico with his girlfriend, federal authorities said.

In January, a judge allowed Perkins to leave jail, where he'd been awaiting sentencing for a gun and drug conviction, for medical tests before his son's surgery. Perkins' conviction carries a minimum jail term of 25 years.

Izgarjan, who was in the courtroom when Perkins asked to be released, said he had convinced everyone of his sincerity.

"He was crying. He was just literally begging the judge," Izgarjan said. "He told the judge, 'My son is going to die if I don't give him this kidney. He's so sick right now.' "

Perkins, who had served seven years for bank robbery, even left behind a letter promising he would "come through" for his son Destin, 16, who needs dialysis.

The judge approved the release on a $10,000 unsecured bond, which did not require Perkins to put up any money.

Perkins was allowed to stay at his mother's house and report to a probation officer.

Aww Shucks hyuck,hyuck, we never would have thought he was that dishonest.......But it gets better.........He did not report back to authorities and has been missing for more than a month. Yep just another Redneck on the Run.

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