Monday, March 20, 2006

In Like A Lion

Winters final rage against the coming of the Spring dumped 25 centimeteres of snow on us between Saturday and Sunday. That meant three shovelings in order to clean up the mess. What a dump on the final weekend before Spring arrives. Largest snowfall ever recorded.

Record falls along with all that snow

Between 20 and 25 cm of snow fell between late Friday and Saturday evening, when the flurries tapered off.

- That virtually ties the record snowfall for a single day in March, when 23 cm fell at City Centre Airport on March 11, 1982.

- Record snowfall at International Airport for a single day in March was 21.1 cm, set March 13, 1974 .

(Source: Environment Canada)

Which is what this winter has been all about record breaking. Driest, brownist, coldest days, mildest winter over all. Weird. As in them Norse sisters.

All of March has been cold and snowy in Edmonton, indeed across Alberta. Remember it was only in late January and we were having grass fires in southern parts of the province. The longest brownest winter we had. And since the begining of March we have had cold frigid -26 below weather and Snow. Fine Winter in one month, ok.

Now that we have gotten that out of our system can we now move on to Spring.

Which begins today officially this morning

March 20 2006
at 11:26

Of course it's going to be a white spring.

In like a Lion out like a lamb as they say.

I wonder if the Lion's name is Aslan since we are so close to Easter?

Aslan the Lion in art from Walt Disney Pictures' The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
Aslan the Lion in art from Walt Disney Pictures'
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - 2005

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