Monday, March 27, 2006

No Place At Home

The reason that folks get frustrated trying to legally get into Canada, refugees at that. Which would explain the unconsciousable delays resulting in the worst of atrocities.

Family trying to get kids out of refugee camp A family that has been trying for almost two years to get their children out of an African refugee camp recently learned that one of their children was raped in the camp.

And if that is not bad enough our new Conservative government is deporting so called illegal aliens, folks who have lived here without becoming citizens, though they work and pay taxes, go figure.....

A reluctant new life Over the weekend, 24 people are deported to Portugal ...
Toronto Star, Canada - 5 hours ago
... They were told to go to the Immigration Canada office on Airport Rd. on March 10. ... Report to Canada Immigration Centre Pearson International Airport. ... ...
Plane load of deportees flown to Portugal
'Come back' Toronto Sun
all 5 related »

Nope they aren't deporting them they are just carrying on with Liberal policy.....and gee I was naive to think that the Conservatives actually meant it during the eelction when they said that they would govern differently...NOT

Rumours of immigration crackdown untrue: Solberg, Canada - 18 hours ago
... record. They were expected to board a plane Sunday to return to Portugal after exhausting all avenues with Immigration Canada. Members ...
Deal with illegal workers, online readers tell Ottawa Toronto Star
Solberg mum on illegal workers issue Metro Toronto
Working in the shadows Toronto Star
all 4 related »

I guess the Harpocrites are trying to be just like their role models in the U.S.

Immigration debate heating up in US Senate
LA Immigrant Rights March

However by continuing the policy of the Liberals, a policy that has been twelve years in the making and even then its was not implemented under Volpe before the election. So the stay the course policy of Solberg results in this;

Ottawa deports Iran-native despite torture fears
And so Canadians had better wake up to the stupidity of blame the immigrants/refugees/sans papier, becuase otherwise we end up getting to be known as this.......
Challenging immigration control in Canada
Bordering On Apartheid

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