Friday, March 03, 2006

Silencing Critics of Privatizing Medicare

The pc thought police on the right are at it again, over at the Canadian Medical Association. I have waited to see why they decided to fire their world famous editors at the CMA Journal before commenting on this controversy. And now the Lancet has revealed it. The editors were critical of the new Federal Minister of Health and the Tories plans to privatize healthcare in Canada. Political Correctness that bugaboo of the right in their culture war against pluralistic secular society now comes back to bite them on the ass. This is a case of conservative PC censorship.

In this week's issue of the British journal The Lancet, author Paul Webster notes the firings followed a series of controversial articles on health politics. He places particular emphasis on an online CMAJ article critical of federal Conservative Health Minister Tony Clement, pointing out that the CMA "advocates reforms to the Canadian medical system including the expansion of private delivery of health-care services." The article was later replaced "with praise for the new minister in the revised version."

Lancet says CMAJ firings are 'deeply troubling'

Resignations at embattled Canadian journal

Acting editor of medical journal resigns

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