Sunday, March 26, 2006

Tymoshenko 'Evita'of the Ukraine

Or Maria Ukrayna the icon of the Ukraine the mother goddess motif which Tymesheko has milked in a media savy campaign out of the Eva Peron play book.

Hundreds Cheer Fallen Queen
The Moscow Times, Russia - 23 Mar 2006
... Yushchenko fired Tymoshenko as his prime minister, and since then the diminutive blond firebrand many have compared to Eva Peron has been out in the cold

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I am speaking of her media and political savy in going wheat blonde and wearing a sacred cross hair braid, instead of her more Modern Euro look of long straight black hair pre the Orange Revolution. Ukraine: Interview -- Yuliya Tymoshenko Marks First 100 Days as PM

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Her hair braid is based upon the sacred bread braids of the mother goddess of the fields of pagan Ukrainian tradition. It is specially used on Paska for Christmas and Easter pagents of the Christian faith.

On our trip to Russia, we saw numerous female "Babas" dating from as early as the Bronze Age (2000 BCE) and as late as the Middle Ages, and many of them have protruberances coming from the tops of their heads that later marked Shiva or the Buddha.

Tymeshenko needs to smile less severly, and more often. The Stern Mother though wins the Slavic heart far more than the Tzar/Batko. But like Evita she has the voice of the people.

And for her battles with both
Yushchenko the privateer and Yanukovich Putin's puppet, she needs to be severe.YUSHCHENKO CHOOSING BETWEEN TYMOSHENKO AND YANUKOVYCH?
Babka from Polish Cooking (Ex Libris Books)

Strong willed, for all the babka's, which is also a sacred bread , a mushroom (which of course is how Ukrainians felt before the Orange Revolution last year),as well as being the affectionate name of the grandmothers who have faced the worst brutality of the Russian Ukranian rush to privatize.

Ukrainians' deal blow to reformist leadership

Maria Kompaneyets, 63, voted for Yanukovich in 2004, but had hopes that Yushchenko would use his popular mandate to improve life, especially the economy and pensions, recurrent complaints among those who are less well off.
"Nothing changed, at least nothing changed for better, neither in the country nor in our own life," she said, voting with her husband, Pyotr. "Of course we had hopes. So much had been said in those days. Who could expect that it would turn out so bad?"
Still, faced with the chance to turn again to Yanukovich and his party, which has promised to undo the mistakes of Yushchenko, she decided on Tymoshenko.

The politician's confrontational style has been blamed for much of the economy slowdown since 2004, but her fiery, charismatic oratory remains popular, as the initial results of the election showed.
"When I listen to her speaking," Kompaneyets said, "I get goose bumps."

Just like the people of Argentiana would get when they hear Evita Speak. image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

And in the grand theatrical tradition of the media and political savy Evita too knew how to gain focus with her hair style, forcing it into a wave, but unlike Tymoshenko, Evita had the winning smile. And there are other similarities with Evita; they are both wealthy.

The millionaire revolutionary
She has been a powerful voice during this week's protests in Kiev. But who is Yulia Tymoshenko?

And so the news from the Ukranian election is that the Revolution continues with Tymoshenko being the icon most likely to succeed. It was never about Yuskenko he is yesterdays man. A straw man, the real reformists were with Tymoshenko and Yuschenko buried himself when he booted her out of government.

But in a shock result, Ms Tymoshenko beat Mr Yushchenko into third place, raising new doubts about how the warring leaders will now be able to form a governing coalition.

According to three different exit polls earlier, Mr Yanukovich's Regions Party was forecast to win 27-33 per cent of the vote.

Mr Yushchenko's Our Ukraine was set to occupy an embarrassing third place with 13-17 per cent, behind Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko with 21-23 per cent.

But the Regions Party was expected to fall well short of an overall parliamentary majority, leaving the country with the prospect of prolonged political uncertainty as politicians struggle to form a coalition. Ukraine set to snub leaders of Orange revolution

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