Sunday, April 16, 2006

Agribusiness Bad Boys

Tyson Foods Inc., Cargill Inc. and Greeley-based Swift & Co. may have to pay $9.25 million in fines after a federal jury found them guilty of ignoring incorrect government beef-price reports, which producers say depressed cattle prices.

Aw shucks say it ain't so. And to think Tysons and Cargill benefited from Alberta's BSE payout which was supposed to go to farmers. But didn't. Instead it benefited Tyson's and Cargills bottom lines which were hurting without the taxpayers of Alberta generous donation.

And it was the Harper Conservatives that killed the parilamentary committee that was investigating these crooks.

And they still succumbed to price fixing the beef market.

Ain't capitalism grand.

Cargill Net Up; Grain and Poultry Credited

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