Sunday, April 09, 2006

And The Winner Is

Random House the publisher of both the Da Vinci Code and Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Random House may end up the biggest winner. Its legal costs are covered and, as publisher of "The Da Vinci Code" and "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail," it benefits from increasing sales for both books.

Loss in court but Holy Blood's sales soar
Of course all the authors are winners since their books have been in the news, in this little internecine battle. While the authors of Holy Blood / Holy Grail would have stood a better chance of winning had they admited their book was fiction.

"It would be quite wrong if fictional writers were to have their writings pored over in the way DVC ["The Da Vinci Code"] has been pored over in this case by authors of pretend historical books to make allegation of infringement of copyright," Smith wrote in his 71-page opinion.

And it is a great way to promote the new book by the HB/HG co author.

Michael Baigent’s The Jesus Papers tries to strip Jesus of his divinity by claiming that he wrote letters to a Jewish court denying that he was the son of God. The book was published in the United States last week on the same day as the first American paperback version of Brown’s novel.

Gee and what a coincidence the National Geographic Society will be showing its special on the gospel of Judas today on cable. Yep this is going to be one 'hell' of an Easter.

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