Sunday, April 09, 2006

Bush Plans to Invade Quebec

Seymour Hersch has made news this weekend with his New Yorker article saying that the Bush administration has plans to nuke the Iranian nuke facitilites it turns out the Bush administration also has plans to invade....wait for it.....Quebec.

The rationale for regime change was articulated in early March by Patrick Clawson, an Iran expert who is the deputy director for research at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and who has been a supporter of President Bush. “So long as Iran has an Islamic republic, it will have a nuclear-weapons program, at least clandestinely,” Clawson told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 2nd. “The key issue, therefore, is: How long will the present Iranian regime last?”When I spoke to Clawson, he emphasized that “this Administration is putting a lot of effort into diplomacy.” However, he added, Iran had no choice other than to accede to America’s demands or face a military attack. Clawson said that he fears that Ahmadinejad “sees the West as wimps and thinks we will eventually cave in. We have to be ready to deal with Iran if the crisis escalates.” Clawson said that he would prefer to rely on sabotage and other clandestine activities, such as “industrial accidents.” But, he said, it would be prudent to prepare for a wider war, “given the way the Iranians are acting. This is not like planning to invade Quebec.”

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1 comment:

  1. Ummm... Yeah, I read the New Yorker article, and I was ticked off somewhat by this comment.

    However, could it simply be a manifestation of the benign and innocuous way Quebec is perceived in the United States?

    Just my 2 cents...

